
Akadia Information Technology

Die folgende Zusammenfassung ist eine Sammlung von Frequently Asked Questions rund um das Datenbanksystem Oracle.


Wichtige Views

Alle V$Views auslisten:

SELECT view_name from v$fixed_view_definition
WHERE view_name LIKE 'V$%'
ORDER BY view_name;

View Name



Statistics for tuning I/O?
Which view would you query to monitor I/O contention for datafiles?


Total waits for "buffer busy waits" since instance startup?


Which two views could you query to determine lock
contention on the EMP table?


Which view can be queried to check the amount of sharable
memory used by a cached object?


Statistics for Redo Log Buffer


Which three views should you use to determine if a process
has waited for a resource?


Which data dictionary view would you query to determine if a datafile is in backup mode?


Which data dictionary view can you query to check the progress
of a backup?


To see which Files are in BEGIN BACKUP MODE

Oracle-8 Database Administration

  • Which command will verify the integrity of each block in a table
    and validate all of the indexes on this table ?

analyze table dept validate structure cascade;

  • You need to export the ORDERS table in an open database with no users connected. How could you place the database in restriced session, to allow only users with RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege to logon to Oracle ?

alter system enable restricted session;

  • Which command would you use to add a datafile to an existing tablespace ?

alter tablespace TAB nologging add datafile '....' ....;

  • When would a temporary segment, created in a temporary tablespace of type
    TEMPORARY, be released ?

When the instance is shut down

  • Which data dictionary view could you query to display the number of blocks
    used by a table in each datafile ?



  • An User account has been locked by the system. How would you unlock this account
    without dropping the objects in his schema

alter user scott account unlock;
alter user scott account lock;

  • With which functions could you use the NLS_CURRENCY paramter ?

Only with TO_CHAR and TO_DATE

  • Which two views could you query to display the names and locations of all
    controlfiles in a database ?


  • Which data type allows to store multiple values within the same table column ?


  • When a user issues an UPDATE command, what happens after copies of the blocks are read into the buffer cache and before the changes are recorded in the redo log buffer ?

The Server places locks on the data

  • You are creating a rollback segment for an application. You have not yet determined the space needed by the average transaction. To which value should you set the OPTIMAL parameter when creating the rollback segment ?

Value greather than or equal to INITIAL * MINEXTENTS

  • What does a value of -1 in a user's tablespace quota indicate ?

Unlimited quota

  • If a database cannot be shut down, which command could you use to enable or disable enforcement of resource limits for an existing user during their current session ?

alter system set resource_limit=true;

  • Which storage parameter could cause higher processing costs because blocks
    will be considered free more often ?

raising PCTUSED

  • Which command could you use to create a table with a foreign key before
    creating the table containing the referenced key ?


  • Which characteristics correctly describe extents ?

- Each segment in a database is created with at least one extent.
- Frequent de-allocation of extents can lead to a fragmented tablespace.

  • When does DBWR flush dirty buffers to a datafile?

Either before or after a COMMIT is issued

  • Which benefit does Oracle Fast COMMIT offer?

Minimal information is required to record the changes in the redo logs, due LRU is deferred.

Writes to the datafiles are deferred to reduce disk contention and I/O. Oracle's Fast COMMIT allows LGWR to record only the changes and SCN in the redo log files. The size of the transaction does not affect the time required to write to the redo log files. These writes are sequential and faster than writing entire blocks to the datafiles. Writes to the datafiles occur independently of the COMMIT.

  • Which two Server Manager line mode commands could you use to display
    the current size of the redo log buffer?


  • Evaluate this Server Manager line mode command:


What affect would this command have on the SORT_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter?

It will be set to 163840 for all future sessions.

  • Which SHUTDOWN mode will only wait for the pending transaction of a current user to end before ending their session?


  • Why would you set the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE initialization parameter to NONE?

To use operating system authentication

To allow users to connect to the database using O/S authentication, set up the users in the operating system and set the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE initialization parameter to NONE. To connect to the database using the SYSDBA role, log in to the operating system and connect to the database using this connect string: CONNECT / AS SYSDBA

  • If you administer several remote databases, how would using Oracle Enterprise Manager help you maintain the initialization parameters?

Database configurations can be stored in the OEM registry and not as external files.

  • Which SHUTDOWN mode waits for all current users to disconnect before shutting down the instance?


  • Why should the DBA check the ALERT file regularly?

To detect block corruption errors

  • Using Server Manager line mode, which three methods could you use to display the current locations of the control files for the current instance?


  • You start an instance in NOMOUNT state. Which three dynamic performance views can you query?


When an instance is started in NOMOUNT state, you can only access the views that read data from the SGA. V$PARAMETER, V$SESSION, and V$INSTANCE read from memory; V$DATABASE, V$DATAFILE and V$LOGFILE all read data from the control file. The database must be mounted for the control file to be opened. The data dictionary is only accessible when the database is open.

  • Which SHUTDOWN mode will only wait for the pending transaction of a current user to end before ending their session?


  • What would happen if the database name in the parameter file does not match the control file?

An instance would start, but the database would not be mounted.

When a database is created, the database name is specified in the CREATE DATABASE command and it must match the DB_NAME parameter. The database will not mount if the database name recorded in the control file does not match the database name in the STARTUP command.

  • Evaluate this command:

GROUP 1 '/disk3/log1a.rdo, /disk4/log1b.rdo',
GROUP 2 '/disk3/log2a.rdo, /disk4/log2b.rdo' REUSE
DATAFILE '/disk2/system01.dbf' SIZE 50M;

Which line will return an error under any condition?

==> GROUP 1 '/disk3/log1a.rdo, /disk4/log1b.rdo',

For any datafiles or redo log files that already exist, use the REUSE option in the CREATE DATABASE command. If the file does not exist, you must use the SIZE option to specify the size of the file to be created either in kilobytes (K) or megabytes (M).

  • According to the Optimal Flexible Architecture, how should you organize your database files?

Directly below the Oracle directory

  • When planning your database configuration, how should you organize the data storage?

Separate objects by lifespans to minimize fragmentation.

  • You issued a CREATE DATABASE command that failed because you were attempting to create log files that already existed. What should you do before reissuing the command?

Shut down the instance, delete any files created by the CREATE DATABASE command, and change the SIZE options to REUSE in the LOGFILE parameter of the CREATE DATABASE command.

  • Why must you recreate the control file if you change the MAXDATAFILES parameter for the PROD database?

To reallocate the space needed for the parameter

  • You need to be able to perform tablespace-point-in-time recovery. Which script creates the view used by the DBA when performing this type of recovery?


  • Which data dictionary category would a user with the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege query to find the owner of the PRODUCT1 table?

The data dictionary views categories:

ALL_ Accessible to all users and each view has an OWNER column, providing information on objects accessible by the user
DBA_  Accessible to the DBA or anyone with the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege, providing information on all the objects in the database and has an OWNER column
USER_  Accessible to all users, providing information on objects owned by the user
  • Which table contains the names of all the data dictionary views?

The DICTIONARY and DICT_COLUMNS data dictionary views provide an overview for all the data dictionary views.

  • Which category of scripts contain database package specifications and are usually run during the execution of catproc.sql?

dbms*.sql defines the database package specifications
cat*.sql provides catalog and data dictionary information
prvt*.plb provides wrapped package code
utl*sql creates views and tables for database utilities.

  • Which data dictionary view would you query to check the status of a view based on
     a table that was dropped?

If errors occur during compilation of objects, the STATUS column in DBA_OBJECTS is set to INVALID. Compiled objects that are available for use are marked VALID. In this example, the view would be marked as INVALID.

  • Which view would you query to display the value assigned to the MAXDATAFILES parameter for the PROD database?

SQL> select type,records_total from V$CONTROLFILE_RECORD_SECTION;

----------------- -------------
DATABASE                      1
CKPT PROGRESS                 4
REDO THREAD                   4
REDO LOG                     62
DATAFILE                    256
FILENAME                    567
TABLESPACE                  256
RESERVED1                   256
RESERVED2                     1
LOG HISTORY                1696
OFFLINE RANGE               290
ARCHIVED LOG               1603
BACKUP SET                  305
BACKUP PIECE                514
BACKUP DATAFILE             526
BACKUP REDOLOG              160
DATAFILE COPY               512
COPY CORRUPTION             305
DELETED OBJECT             1628
PROXY COPY                  640

  • What is the maximum number of control files that you can specify in the
    CONTROL_FILES parameter?


  • What would you do if your database has two redo log groups and Group 2 becomes corrupted?

Reinitialize the log files in Group 2 with the ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE command.

You can clear a group if all its members become corrupt by issuing the ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE command.  This command can be used even if there are only two redo log groups.  If you need to clear a redo log group that has not yet been archived, you must include the UNARCHIVED keyword in the command.

  • How often will a log switch occur if you set the LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL initialization parameter to 25?

After LGWR writes 25 operating system blocks

  • You are tuning the PROD database and need to determine the sequence number of the current redo log group.  Which view would you query to display the number of online redo log groups?

select SEQUENCE# from v$thread;

  • You query V$LOGFILE and find that log3a.rdo in group 3 has a status of NULL.
    What can be said about this file?

It is in use

V$LOGFILE displays each group, each member, and the status of each member. The values of the STATUS column can be: INVALID - inaccessible, STALE - incomplete, DELETED - no longer being used, NULL - in use

  • What is the advantage of running a database in ARCHIVELOG mode?

Complete recovery is possible even after the redo logs have been overwritten using
the archived redolog files

  • Which view would you query to determine if the PROD database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode?

select LOG_MODE from v$database;

  • If you query V$LOG and find that GROUP 3 is INACTIVE, what can be said about this group?

The group is no longer needed for instance recovery.

  • How would you drop a redo log member from an active group when archiving is enabled?

After the group is archived, issue the ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE command then the ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE MEMBER command.

To drop a redo log member, use the ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE MEMBER command. If the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode, you cannot drop an online member until it has been archived. If the group is active, you must force a log switch before dropping one of its members. You cannot drop the last valid member of a group. Dropping a member does not remove its O/S file.

  • What will the Oracle Server do if you issue the ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE command without the GROUP option?

The syntax to add a redo log group:

ADD LOGFILE GROUP 2 ('/disk2/log2a.rdo',
'/disk3/log3b.rdo') SIZE 1M;

If you specify the GROUP option, you must use an integer value. If you do not use the GROUP option, the Oracle Server will automatically generate a value. Use the SIZE option if you are creating a new file. Use the REUSE option if the file already exists.

  • When moving datafiles, which function does the ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE and ALTER TABLESPACE RENAME DATAFILE commands provide?

Reset internal file pointers in the control file.

  • What is the default value of the PCTINCREASE parameter for a tablespace?

50 (This is very bad, set it to 0)

  • You created a tablespace with MAXEXTENTS equal to 500. How could you increase the setting?

Use the ALTER TABLESPACE command to change the MINIMUM EXTENTS value or the DEFAULT STORAGE parameters for a tablespace.

  • When the USER_DATA tablespace was created, you over estimated the amount of space required for the user01.dbf datafile. How would you change the size of the datafile from 100M to 10M?

Use the RESIZE option with the ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE command.

  • How would you make an offline tablespace read-only?


When you make a tablespace read-only, all the datafiles must be online and the tablespace can have no pending transactions or active rollback segments. To make a read-write tablespace read-only, use this command: ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name READ ONLY; To make a read-only tablespace read-write, use this command: ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name READ WRITE;

  • Evaluate this command:

DATAFILE '/disk2/us_data01.dbf' SIZE 10M

Why will this statement fail?

INITIAL and NEXT should be a multiple of MINIMUM EXTENT.

When MINIMUM EXTENT is specified, every extent allocated in the tablespace should be a multiple of MINIMUM EXTENT. In this case, NEXT and INITIAL should be multiples of 500K.

  • DB_BLOCK_SIZE for the PROD database is 2K. You created the USER_DATA01 tablespace without specifying a value for the NEXT parameter. What will be the size of the second extent allocated to the USER_DATA01 tablespace?

The default value of the NEXT parameter is 5 data blocks. In this case, the size of the second extent allocated can be determined by: 5 * DB_BLOCK_SIZE = 10K

  • When moving datafiles, when would you use the ALTER DATABASE command rather than ALTER TABLESPACE command?

When the tablespace is the SYSTEM tablespace

  • What would happen if DB_BLOCK_SIZE is 4K and you attempt to create
    a tablespace with INITIAL equal to 4K?

A syntax error would be returned.

The minimum INITIAL value allowed is: 2 * DB_BLOCK_SIZE

  • Which two are physical structures and part of an Oracle database?

Datafile and OS-Blocks

The physical structure of a database includes O/S blocks, datafiles,
control files, and online redo log files.

  • Which command would you use to change the size of the minimum extent allocated to the USER_DATA tablespace from 2M to 3M?


Use the ALTER TABLESPACE command to change the MINIMUM EXTENT value or the DEFAULT STORAGE parameters for a tablespace.

  • Evaluate this command:


Which background process performs the same task?

Coalescing merges neighboring free extents. This is automatically done by the SMON background process if the PCTINCREASE value for the tablespace is greater than zero. You can manually coalesce a tablespace by using this command: ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name COALESCE;
Query DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED to determine if a tablespace needs to be coalesced.

  • What happens when free space drops below the PCTFREE threshold?

A block is removed from the free list when it falls below the PCTFREE threshold. It is returned to the free list when the used space falls below PCTUSED.

  • Which type of segment speeds data retrieval while minimizing disk contention?

An index can be partitioned to minimize disk contention while decreasing the amount of time required for queries.

  • Evaluate this command:


What would be the result if the current size of RBS01 is 3M?

The command is ignored.

The ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT command with the SHRINK option will shrink a rollback segment. If no value is specified, the Oracle Server will attempt to shrink to the OPTIMAL value. To shrink a rollback segment to a specific size, use this command:
If the SHRINK TO size or OPTIMAL is greater than the current size of the rollback segment, the command is ignored.

  • Evaluate this command:


What will happen if RBS01 has pending transactions when the command is issued?

The segment is taken offline when all transactions are complete.

A rollback segment cannot be taken offline if it has pending transactions. If you use the ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT command to take it offline before the pending transactions end, the rollback segment will be marked as 'PENDING OFFLINE'. The rollback segment will not be taken offline until the transactions complete.

  • Which type of segment records changes for multiple transactions?

Rollback segments store the before image when changes are made to data in the database. A transaction can only be assigned to one rollback segment, however a rollback segment can store images for multiple concurrent transactions.

  • Which type of rollback segment is automatically dropped when it is no longer
    needed by the Oracle Server?

The SYSTEM rollback segments record changes made to objects in the SYSTEM tablespace.
Private rollback segments are acquired by an instance when they are named in the parameter file.
Public rollback segments are in the pool of rollback segments.
Deferred rollback segments are created by the Oracle Server when a user attempts to commit a transaction that will change data in a tablespace that is offline. The Oracle Server will drop these segments when they are no longer needed.

  • Which three methods can you use to decrease the probability of snapshot too old errors?

Use larger extent sizes.
Create rollback segments with higher OPTIMAL values.
Create rollback segments with high MINEXTENTS values

A snapshot too old error occurs when the Oracle Server cannot create a read consistent image of the data when a query is executed. The error is returned when a query is issued on a row with a lock, but before the query is finished the transaction commits and the rollback segment is overwritten. Reduce the chances of snapshot too old errors by creating rollback segments with high MINEXTENTS values, larger extent sizes, and high OPTIMAL values.

  • What is the recommended size for MINEXTENTS to reduce the possibility
    of rollback segment extension?


MINEXTENTS for a rollback segment should be greater than or equal to two. Oracle recommends a value of 20 to reduce the likelihood of extension. OPTIMAL should be greater than or equal to MINEXTENTS. PCTINCREASE cannot be specified and should be set to zero. INITIAL should always be equal to NEXT. All the extents allocated to a rollback segment should be the same size. Place rollback segments in tablespaces that do not contain data to minimize I/O contention and fragment.

  • Which three steps are necessary before you can take a tablespace offline that contains active rollback segments?

Before you can take a tablespace with active rollback segments offline:

Query DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS to determine which rollback segments are in the tablespace and take the rollback segments offline.

Query V$TRANSACTIONS to determine the transaction currently using the rollback segments.

Query V$SESSION to determine the user with the pending transaction and terminate their session.

  • To which size should INITIAL and NEXT be set when defining DEFAULT STORAGE for a TEMPORARY tablespace?


Temporary segments are based on the default storage parameters of the tablespace. For the TEMPORARY tablespace, INITIAL and NEXT should be equal to each other and a multiple of SORT_AREA_SIZE plus DB_BLOCK_SIZE. PCTINCREASE should always be equal to zero.

  • How are sort segments allocated during a sort in a TEMPORARY tablespace?

Several transactions can simultaneously share the same sort segment.

  • Why would you query V$SORT_SEGMENT?

To determine the number of extents allocated to a TEMPORARY tablespace containing a sort segment

  • Which two dynamic performance views could you join to determine the number of extents being used by an active sort?


Join V$SESSION and V$SORT_USAGE to display the username, session address, tablespace, contents, extents, and blocks for active sorts.

  • Which view could you query to display the Sort Extent Pool status?


  • When altering a table, which parameter indicates the number of bytes above the high water mark that the table will have after deallocation?


To deallocate all unused space in a table above the high water mark, use this command:


To deallocate unused space while keeping a specified number of bytes above the high water mark, use this command:


If the size specified in the KEEP option is below MINEXTENTS, MINEXTENTS will be kept.

  • Which command would you issue to release all the space allocated to an empty table, 
    except for MINEXTENTS?

TRUNCATE TABLE <schema.table_name> DROP STORAGE;

  • Which function in the DBMS_ROWID package would you use to convert ROWID values into a relative file number?

The ROWID_RELATIVE_FNO function in the DBMS_ROWID package returns the relative file number of the file that stores the row. The ROWID_BLOCK_NUMBER function in the DBMS_ROWID package returns the block number stored in the row in the relative file. The ROWID_ROW_NUMBER function in the DBMS_ROWID package returns the sequence number of a given ROWID value.

  • Which parameter should you increase to avoid excessive row migration?

Increase PCTFREE

If PCTFREE is set too low, there may not be enough room in the data blocks to update existing rows. When there is insufficient space in the data block, the row is moved to a new data block and the old block stores a pointer to the new location. Row migration slows table scans because two blocks are scanned for one row.

  • If a column will store 266 bytes, how many bytes will the column length be in the block header?

3 ( 1 for columns length <= 250, 3 for columns length > 250 )

When row data is stored in a data block, the column length is recorded as either 1 byte for column lengths 250 bytes or less or 3 bytes for column lengths greater than 250 bytes.

  • The DESCRIPTION column in the PRODUCT table requires an average of 100 bytes per row . Which datatype could you use as a pointer to the DESCRIPTION column rather than storing this value again in the ORDERS table?


The REF datatype is a relationship type that stores a pointer to the data in another table, rather than storing the actual data.

  • Evaluate this command:


How many rows will be sampled if the ORDERS table contains 5000 rows?


To detect row migration or chaining in a table, use the ANALYZE TABLE command. The COMPUTE STATISTICS option will return exact statistics because it analyzes all of the rows in the table. The ESTIMATE STATISTICS option will compute statistics based on 1064 rows. You can use the ESTIMATE STATISTICS option with a sample integer or percent to specify the number or percentage of rows that are scanned.

  • A new table with 100 free blocks has inserts filling 70 blocks followed by deletes freeing 20 blocks. Where is the resulting high water mark at this point?

70 Blocks (INITRANS Index > INITRANS Table)

The high water mark in a table is the last block ever used by the table. The high water mark is not reset when data is deleted. When a full table scan is performed, each block is read up to its high water mark.

  • You are creating an index for a table and are considering a value for INITRANS for this index. How should INITRANS be set for this index relative to the INITRANS value already set for the corresponding data table?


Because index entries are small, there are usually more entries per block so the INITRANS value should be higher than the table.

  • You have a table with an associated index. How is this index affected if the table is truncated?

The TRUNCATE command deletes all the rows in the table and releases all the unused space. The corresponding indexes will also be truncated. If the REUSE option is used with the TRUNCATE command, the data is deleted from the table and its corresponding indexes, but no space is deallocated. If the DROP option is used with the TRUNCATE command, the extents specified by MINEXTENTS are retained. A table cannot be truncated that is referenced by a foreign key.

  • How does a partitioned index differ from a nonpartitioned index?

Partitioned indexes allow an index to be spread across multiple tablespaces.

  • Which data dictionary view would you query to determine if an index is VALID?


  • Where do the parallel query slaves insert data when a parallel direct-load insert is performed?

To perform a parallel direct-load insert, use the PARALLEL hint in the INSERT INTO SELECT command. The parallel direct-load insert uses parallel query slaves to insert the data. The data is written to temporary segments until the transaction commits.

  • You have exported a file for subsequent import into another tablespace. In which sequence is the Import file loaded?

The order of import:

1. table definitions
2. table data
3. indexes on the table
4. integrity constraints, triggers, and bitmap indexes

  • Which SQL*Loader parameter specifies the number of logical records to load?

The LOAD parameter in the SQL*Loader command specifies the number of records to load. This value does not include any records that are skipped.

  • For which two reasons would you use direct-load inserts when loading data into a table?

Other rows in the same table can be concurrently modified by other users.
Data can be quickly copied from one table into another within the same database because it
bypasses the buffer cache.

Use the INSERT INTO SELECT command to perform a direct-load insert. This command can be used to copy data from one table to another table in the same database. The buffer cache is bypassed to speed up the insert. During a direct-load insert, users can be concurrently modifying existing data in the table. Data is loaded above the high water mark.

  • Which user needs a usage quota?

The QUOTA clause defines the amount of space in bytes that a user can use to create and maintain objects in a specified tablespace. The default value is no space and the maximum value is UNLIMITED.

  • Evaluate this command:

ALTER USER bill QUOTA 0 ON data01;

If a 20M table exists in the DATA01 tablespace owned by user BILL, which effect
will this command have ?

The objects created by user BILL in the DATA01 tablespace will remain, but no new extents can be allocated to the objects.

  • Which data dictionary view could a user query to display the number of bytes charged to their username?


USER_TS_QUOTAS displays the names of tablespaces that the user has a QUOTA on, the number of bytes and blocks used, and the maximum number of bytes and blocks allowed.

  • Which four resource limits are averaged by specified weighting to give a composite limit?

When assigning a COMPOSITE_LIMIT to a profile, Oracle calculates a weighted sum for these resource limits:


To specify the weights assigned to each limit, use the ALTER RESOURCE COST command.

  • Evaluate this statement:

CPU_PER_SESSION 3600 (1/100 Sec)
IDLE_TIME 30; (Min)

How much time will be allowed in the next session for user JUAN?

36 seconds of cpu time and 30 minutes of inactivity

CPU_PER_SESSION is expressed in hundredths of seconds and IDLE_TIME is expressed in minutes

  • You ran the script to create the VERIFY_FUNCTION function and it altered the DEFAULT profile.

After the VERIFY_FUNCTION is enabled and the DEFAULT profile is altered, a user must change their password using these guidelines:

1. The new password must differ from the old password by more than three characters.
2. The password must have at least 4 characters.
3. The password cannot be equal to the username.
4. The password must have at least one alpha, one numeric, and one special character.

  • Which initialization parameter would you alter to disable the enforcement of resource limits?

To disable resource limits, set the RESOURCE_LIMIT parameter to FALSE. To enable the enforcement of resource limits for the current instance, use the ALTER SYSTEM command to set the RESOURCE_LIMIT initialization parameter to TRUE. To enable or disable the enforcement of resource limits for future sessions, alter the RESOURCE_LIMIT initialization parameter in the parameter file.

  • Which view would you query to display information about password expiration, locking dates, and account status for user CHAN?


  • You are administering password settings for a profile. Which parameter ensures that a user does not reuse the same password?

When the PASSWORD_MAX_REUSE parameter is set to UNLIMITED, a user can never reuse the same password.

  • Which object privilege do you need to grant privileges on an object not in your schema?

Object privileges are granted WITH GRANT OPTION. When object privileges are revoked, the revoke cascades.

  • Which system privilege do you need to grant a system privilege to another user?

    System privileges are granted WITH ADMIN OPTION. When system privileges are revoked, the revoke does not cascade.

  • Which privilege is required to TRUNCATE a table owned by another user?


  • Which command could you use to set a default role for a user?

To define a default role for a user, you must grant the role to the user with the GRANT command. By default, all the roles granted to the user will be enabled when the user connects unless the ALTER USER DEFAULT ROLE command is used to limit the default roles.

  • Evaluate this command:

ALTER USER jennifer

Which task would this accomplish?

Set all roles as default for user JENNIFER

  • Which three functions can be used with the NLS_SORT parameter?

The NLS_SORT parameter can be used with the NLS_UPPER, NLS_LOWER, NLS_INITCAP, and NLSSORT functions.

  • NLS Views

    NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS: This View lists NLS parameters of the user session.
    NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS: This View lists permanent NLS parameters of the database
    NLS_INSTANCE_PARAMETERS: This View lists NLS parameters of the instance.

    SQL> select * from nls_session_parameters;

    PARAMETER                      VALUE
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------
    NLS_LANGUAGE                   AMERICAN
    NLS_TERRITORY                  AMERICA
    NLS_CURRENCY                   $
    NLS_ISO_CURRENCY               AMERICA
    NLS_CALENDAR                   GREGORIAN
    NLS_DATE_FORMAT                DD-MON-YY
    NLS_SORT                       BINARY
    NLS_TIME_FORMAT                HH.MI.SSXFF AM
    NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY              $

    SQL> select * from nls_database_parameters;

    PARAMETER                      VALUE
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------
    NLS_LANGUAGE                   AMERICAN
    NLS_TERRITORY                  AMERICA
    NLS_CURRENCY                   $
    NLS_ISO_CURRENCY               AMERICA
    NLS_CHARACTERSET               WE8ISO8859P1
    NLS_CALENDAR                   GREGORIAN
    NLS_DATE_FORMAT                DD-MON-YY
    NLS_SORT                       BINARY
    NLS_TIME_FORMAT                HH.MI.SSXFF AM
    NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY              $

Oracle-8 Database Tuning

  • Which TKPROF option should you set to ignore recursive SQL ?

SYS Option

  • At which level does Oracle resolve deadlocks ?

Statement Level

  • What is an effect of setting the CACHE_SIZE_THRESHOLD parameter?

Limits the number of blocks cached for each table.

  • You discover excessive I/O to datafiles in the SYSTEM tablespace during
    normal operations. What are three likely causes for this problem?

- The Shared Pool is too small
- Data Segments are being written to the SYSTEM tablespace
- Sort Segments are being written to the SYSTEM tablespace

  • Which factor is most important in determining the OPTIMAL size for a rollback segment?

Transaction activity of the database during normal processing.

  • Which command would you use to reset the high-water mark on a table?


  • Given this formula:

              number of blocks that contain rows
    100 * -----------------------------------------------------
              number of blocks below the high-water mark

For non-empty tables, which value should be your target?


  • Your operating system does not support striping. Striping by hand is a very time-consuming task. Which two conditions might make striping by hand worthwhile?

- The database is using Parallel Query Option
- The application is performing many full table scans.

  • Which view can be queried to check the amount of sharable memory used by a cached object?

desc v$db_object_cache;

Name                             Null?     Type
------------------------------- -------- ----
OWNER                                     VARCHAR2(64)
NAME                                      VARCHAR2(1000)
DB_LINK                                   VARCHAR2(64)
NAMESPACE                                 VARCHAR2(15)
TYPE                                      VARCHAR2(24)
SHARABLE_MEM                              NUMBER
LOADS                                     NUMBER
EXECUTIONS                                NUMBER
LOCKS                                     NUMBER
PINS                                      NUMBER
KEPT                                      VARCHAR2(3)

  • Your database is installed on a multi-CPU system. If the Utlbstat/Utlestat utility shows contention for the redo copy latch, which action should you take?

    Increase the value of the LOG_SIMULTANEOUS_COPIES parameter. This Parameter specifies the number of redo buffer copy latches. For Single CPU Machines set it to 0, for Multi CPU Machines set it to 2 x Number of CPUs.

  • Your system has limited physical memory. You have an application that uses many large sorts. Which parameter can be set to improve the performance of these large sorts?

SORT_DIRECT_WRITES = True/False/Auto (Bypass Buffer Cache)

Set it to True if there is abundant memory. This parameter controls whether sort data will bypass the buffer cache to write intermediate sort to disk.

  • You query the V$LIBRARYCACHE view to determine the Reloads-to-Pins ratio.
    What is the ideal value for the SUM of the RELOADS for a database?


  • Which command would you use to organize space within an existing index?


  • In which two files will deadlock contention be recorded?

Alert Log File
User Process Trace File

  • Which two steps are necessary to evaluate the impact of reducing the buffer size?

Query the V$RECENT_BUCKET view

  • Which two views could you query to determine lock contention on the EMP table?

V$LOCK  (Lock currently held by the Oracle Server)
V$LOCKED_OBJECT (Lists all locks acuired by every transaction on the system)

  • A user complains that an exceptionally large update fails. What are the two most likely
    causes of this problem?

MAXEXTENTS has been set too low
Tablespace for Rollback Segments too small

  • What is an effect of setting the CACHE_SIZE_THRESHOLD parameter?

Limits the number of blocks cached for each table

  • You check the init.ora file and see that LOG_SIMULTANEOUS_COPIES = 2 for your four
    CPU machine. It is recommended that you set this parameter to which value if you see contention?

8 (Good Performance set it to 2 x Number of CPU's)

  • Your system has abundant physical memory. You have an application that uses many large sorts.
    Which two parameters can be set to improve the performance of these large sorts?

SORT_AREA_SIZE=<SIZE> (Increasing the size improves the efficiency of large sorts)
SORT_DIRECT_SORTS=TRUE (Can improve sort performance for abundant memory)

  • Which dynamic performance view would you query to display the total waits
    for "buffer busy waits" since instance startup?

V$SYSTEM_EVENT (Total Waits on en event since Instance startup)

  • What should you do if the hits on the LRU latch are less than 1% and your
    system has multiple CPUs?

Modify the DB_BLOCK_LRU_LATCHES parameter

  • In a joint effort with the system administrator to tune the system, you gather information about the database. Which view can be queried to provide statistics for tuning I/O?

V$FILESTAT (I/O Statistics, V$LOADSTAT ist for SQL*Loader)

  • Which statistics can be obtained by querying the V$SYSSTAT view?

Redo Log Buffer, select CLASS = 2

  • What will result in a very low value for the TKPROF Disk statistic?

Buffered Data

  • When tuning SQL, which mechanism will provide an efficient method for joining two tables when one table is significantly larger than the other?

Hash Join

  • You have an eight CPU machine. Which step would you take to increase performance on tables with a high number of concurrent inserts?

Recreate the table increasing the number of freelists.

  • Your database is installed on a multi-CPU system. If the Utlbstat/Utlestat utilities show contention for the redo copy latch, which action should you take?

Increase the value of the LOG_SIMULTANEOUS_COPIES parameter.

  • What does the MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE parameter limit?

The MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE parameter value is specified in O/S blocks and specifically limits the size of user trace files.

  • Which information does the V$EVENT_VIEW view provide?

The V$EVENT_NAME view lists all event names and their associated parameters.

SQL> select event#, substr(name,1,50) from v$event_name
     where rownum < 10;

--------- ---------------------------------------------
0         Null event
1         latch activity
2         latch free
3         free process state object
4         pmon timer
5         inactive session

  • Which view can you query to find information about system-wide waits per session?


  • You query the V$SYSTEM_EVENT view with this command:

SELECT event, total_waits, total_timeouts,
time_waited, average_wait
FROM v$system_event;

  • Which event would indicate contention in the database buffer cache?

Buffer Busy Waits

  • For which reason should you enable tracing for a user session?

A user has complained about the time it is taking to execute an application process.

  • You query V$SESSION_WAIT and see a wait time of 2 for an event.
    Which information does this query provide?

Active session's last wait time

  • Which view can you query to see the total number of event waits since instance startup?


  • You have run the UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT utilities and the report.txt shows a latch hit ratio of 0.99. What does this value indicate about latch activity for the database?

A latch hit ratio of 99% is optimal. Latch contention should be always be 1% or less. To resolve redo latch contention, increase LOG_SIMULTANEOUS_COPIES and decrease LOG_SMALL_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE.

  • When viewing latch statistics in the report.txt, with which column should you be most concerned?


  • Which view will provide basic instance statistics?

The V$SYSSTAT view provides basic instance statistics cumulated since instance start up.

  • Which view could be queried to determine the type of user connection?

    SELECT sid, username, type, server
    FROM v$session;

    SELECT sid, username, type, server
      FROM v$session;

    SID       USERNAME                        TYPE        SERVER
    --------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------
    1                                         BACKGROUND DEDICATED

  • You have a hybrid system processing reports at night. What can you do to handle heavy transaction processing during the day and report processing at night?

Use many small rollback segments during the day and fewer large rollback segments at night.
The segments not being used for reporting should remain offline until they are needed.

  • Using a hybrid system, OLTP for day and DSS for night, what is the most efficient method of altering the parameters for day and night use?

Reset the parameters for day and night using a separate pfile.

  • What can you use to identify SQL areas that are possibly causing performance problems?

SQL Trace can be set at instance or session level and provides detailed information regarding the execution of a SQL statement.

  • When creating queries, which keyword will create a sort and incur I/O and processing overhead?

When DISTINCT is used, the data is sorted. If the statement selects a large number of rows, the server may generate temporary segments to handle the sort runs. This process incurs I/O and processing overhead, and should be avoided.

  • What can be used to join two tables when one is significantly larger than the other?

Hash Join

  • Which information is stored in the lookup tables used in star queries?

Information about entries for attributes in the fact table. Lookup tables are small tables joined to the fact table using a PK-FK join.

  • Which two things can you track using the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package?

Performance and Resource Usage

DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO contains procedures needed to register and then track a module. When an application calls these procedures, they record and read information into and from the V$SESSION and V$SQLAREA views.

  • Which clause can increase response time if not used properly in an SQL statement?

Statements including group functions impact performance. Use a WHERE clause to exclude unwanted rows. HAVING should only be used with an aggregate condition. Inappropriate use of the HAVING clause increases response time.

  • Which two procedures within the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package can be used to track module performance?

READ_MODULE reads the last module and action names set by SET_ACTION or SET_MODULE. READ_CLIENT_INFO reads the last client information set for the session.

  • Which two parameters, when set, have a negative impact on CPU performance?


  • Which init.ora parameter, when set to TRUE, will cause Oracle to bring all SGA pages into memory when the instance is started?


Instance start up time is increased using this parameter, but it can reduce the number of page faults that occur. The reduction in page faults allows the instance to reach its maximum performance capability more quickly

  • What does the RELOADS column of the V$LIBRARYCACHE view represent?

The number of object definitions that have been aged out of the library cache for lack of space.

  • Which information does the PINS column of the V$LIBRARYCACHE view represent?

The number of executions of SQL statements or procedures in the library cache.

  • Which two views can be queried to gather information about UGA space usage for all MTS users?


SELECT SUM(value) || 'bytes' "Total session memory"
  FROM v$sesstat, v$statname
 WHERE name = 'session uga memory'
   AND v$sesstat.statistic# = v$statname.statistic#;

  • Which objects should you consider keeping in the shared pool?

Pinning sequences in the shared pool will prevent the numbers from being lost, which is normal when they are aged out.

  • Which view can you query to determine the amount of sharable memory used by a
    cached PL/SQL object ?

SELECT SUM(sharable_mem)
FROM v$db_object_cache
type = 'FUNCTION' OR type = 'PROCEDURE';

  • What is the recommended number of bytes to allow in the shared pool per user per open cursor?

Oracle recommends allowing about 250 bytes in the shared pool per user per open cursor. This can be tested during peak times using this query:

SELECT SUM(250 * users_opening)
FROM v$sqlarea;

  • Due to operating system memory limitations, you need to set the SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE. Which additional parameter should you also increase by the same amount?


  • Which parameter is used to determine the number of blocks for multiple buffer pools?


Determine the size of each buffer pool by subtracting the number of buffers for each buffer pool from the total number of buffers defined for the entire buffer cache. If this constraint is violated, the database will not mount.

  • What is affected by the value of DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS?

The buffer cache holds copies of the data blocks from the datafiles. The DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS parameter specifies the number of blocks in the buffer cache.

  • What can you code into your queries to store the data blocks in the buffer cache?

Cache Hint Clause: Using this method causes the Oracle server to place the table blocks at the most recently used end of the LRU list.

  • Which two can you query to evaluate the effect of an increase or decrease to the size of the database buffer cache? (Tuning Buffer Cache).


  • Which information about the database buffer cache is obtained by querying V$RECENT_BUCKET?

Number of additional cache hits gained by adding additional buffer cache blocks

  • Which information can be used to size the RECYCLE pool?

Total number of buffer cache blocks used by each object. The RECYCLE buffer pool should be large enough to be retained for the duration of the transaction.

  • What should be your tuning goal when sizing the KEEP buffer pool?

Retain as many objects in memory as you can.

  • When are dirty blocks flushed from the data buffer cache?

When the server process is searching the LRU list, DBWR managers the buffer cache by writing dirty blocks to the datafiles to ensure that there are free blocks for servers.

- When Dirty List exceeds threshold
- Independent of COMMIT
- No more free Blocks in LRU-List

  • When will DBWR write dirty blocks to the datafiles?

when the dirty list exceeds its size threshold

  • The database is using the Oracle Parallel Server option. Which view can you query to analyze the database buffer cache?

V$CACHE is created with the catparr.sql script. It can be viewed to monitor the number of buffer pool blocks by object and is intended for use with Oracle Parallel Server.

  • You can create the V$CACHE view which is useful for Oracle Parallel Server. Which information can be queried with this view?

Objects currently being cached

  • Which two copies of a single database block can be found in the database buffer cache at all times?

- Current block
- Read consistent block for rollback

The buffer cache may hold multiple copies of a single database block. Only one current copy exists, but server processes may need to reconstruct read-consistent copies using rollback information.

  • What is the minimum number of buffers that must be allocated to each buffer pool ?

50 times the number of LRU latches

  • You have been monitoring buffer cache performance and see that the values have been increasing for 'free buffer inspected'. What does an increase in this value indicate?

Number of buffers skipped to find a free buffer.

  • You view the alert.log and see this error:

"Checkpoint not complete; unable to allocate file"

What does this indicate?

LGWR has waited for DBWR to finish.

  • Which resource is used when a process writes changes to the redo log buffer?

The redo allocation latch controls the allocation of space for redo entries in the redo log buffer. There is only one redo allocation latch.

  • When does a process release the redo allocation latch on a single CPU machine?

When the process copies the entry into the buffer, there is only one redo allocation latch per instance. The number of CPU's only has an effect on redo copy latches.

  • The V$SYSTEM_EVENT view indicates there have been waits for the event 'log buffer space'.
     What does this indicate?

The LOG_BUFFER parameter needs to be increased.

  • You have two redo log groups, with two members each. Which two events will occur when a redo log group fills in an archived database?

A checkpoint occurs.
One member of the log group will be archived.

  • In which tablespace should you place stored packages and database triggers?

Stored objects such as database triggers and packages are part of the data dictionary and should be stored in the SYSTEM tablespace.

  • What is one method of striping tablespaces by hand?

To allocate extents explicitly, use this command:

ALTER TABLE tablename

  • Where are temporary segments created in a default user setup?

If you do not explicitly set the temporary tablespace during user creation, sorts occur in the SYSTEM tablespace.

  • Which two parameters control the use of asynchronous I/O?


  • The Reservations application has many volatile tables with indexes. What should be your tuning goal for indexes of this type?

Indexes on volatile tables can present a performance problem and should be monitored and rebuilt frequently.

  • What is one disadvantage of using large extents?

Having enough contiguous storage space

  • You issue this statement:

DELETE * FROM parts;

What will be the state of the high-water mark for the PARTS table after this statement has completed?

not changed, DELETE statements have no effect on the high water mark. The TRUNCATE statement must be issued to reset the high water mark.

  • Which command can be used to monitor the space used by indexes?


  • You issued the ANALYZE command against the ITEM table and detected row migration. Which storage parameter should you increase to prevent further chaining to this table?


Migration is caused by PCTFREE being set too low; there is not enough room in the block for updates. All tables that are updated should have PCTFREE set to allow enough space within the block for updates.

  • When creating large extents, what should you use as the basis for size?


Multiply by five, because Oracle tries to allocate blocks on five block boundaries.

  • What does Oracle do with empty index blocks?

If you delete all entries for an index block, Oracle puts the block back on the free list.

  • You issue this command:


Which column of the DBA_TABLES view can you query to see the number of migrated rows in the inventory.item table?


  • What is the result of increasing PCTUSED on a table which undergoes numerous deletes?

location of future inserts is changed

PCTUSED is relevant in tables that undergo (=erleiden) deletes, but you may be able to pack rows into blocks more tightly by setting PCTUSED to a value higher than the default of 40%.

FORMULA : PCTUSED = 100 - PCTFREE -100 * (upd-ins)/blocksize
where upd is the average amount added by updates in bytes and ins is the average initial row length at insert.

  • An active process needs sort space. Where will it look for the space it needs to
    perform a temporary sort?

The Sort Extent Pool (SEP) is located in the SGA. When a process needs sort space, it looks for free extents in the SEP.

  • Which parameter can you set to control sort writes to the buffer cache?


The amount you allocate to direct write buffers should be less than one-tenth (< 1/10) of SORT_AREA_SIZE when SORT_DIRECT_WRITES is set to TRUE.

  • Which V$SORT_SEGMENT column could you query to see the number of times an unused extent was found in the Sort Extent Pool?


  • You query the V$WAITSTAT view and see a value of 5 in the CLASS column for 'undo header'. Which problem does this indicate?

Contention for rollback segment header blocks

The number of waits for any class should be less than 1% of the total number of requests.

  • In which situation would it be beneficial for you to use the SET TRANSACTION USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT <large_rbs>; command?

Running a large batch job

  • Which information is stored in rollback segments?

Before images of changed data

  • To which value should you assign MINEXTENTS when creating rollback segments?

Setting MINEXTENTS to 20 makes it unlikely that the rollback segment needs to obtain another extent due to the current extent being used by an active transaction.

  • A transaction occurs periodically and you want to define a rollback segment to be assigned to this transaction. Which two views can you query to get the details for a specific user transaction?


SELECT a.username, b.used_ublk,b.start_time
FROM v$transaction b, v$session a
WHERE b.addr = a.saddr;

  • In which file can you locate the rowid of the locking row in a deadlock?

A trace file is generated for a deadlock situation and recorded in the USER_DUMP_DEST directory. The value for this directory is recorded in the init.ora.

  • A deadlock has occurred. What will have to be rolled back?

Transaction detecting the deadlock

Oracle will automatically roll back the statement that detects the deadlock. The remainder of the transaction will have to be manually rolled back. Oracle rolls back the statement and returns an ORA-00060, 'deadlock detected while waiting for resource' error. The transaction is not rolled back and you should roll back the remainder of the transaction, if necessary.

  • A deadlock occurs in Statement B of a large transaction. What is the state of the transaction?

Statement B is rolled back and an error message is generated for the transaction.

  • Where are free lists maintained?

Free lists are maintained in the segment header. To increase the number of free lists for an object, you must drop and recreate it using a higher value for the FREELISTS keyword.

  • Which two views can you query to determine if contention for the free list is high?


  • Which information can be obtained from the SLEEPS column of the V$LATCH view?

Number of times a process waited for a latch. Ideally, the percentage of time for which there is latch contention should be less than 1%.

  • You know that users perform many inserts and deletes to the Order Entry application. What should you identify and monitor to diagnose free list contention in this type of system?

Tables with a high number of inserts. When an insert operation occurs, the free list is used to determine the availability of blocks for inserts. Server processes can contend for the same free list if many inserts are occurring

  • Which two situations will cause blocks to go to the head of the free list?

The high water mark has changed.
Server processes delete rows and space falls below PCTUSED.

  • The utlestat.sql generates these hit ratios:

LATCH2 0.98
LATCH3 0.75  <====
LATCH4 0.05  <====
LATCH5 0          <====

How many latches are displaying latch contention?


Ideally, the percentage of time for which there is latch contention
should be less than 1%.

  • The report.txt file shows a high hit ratio and a low number of sleeps for redo log buffer latches. In which state is latch efficiency for this database?

(Misses / Gets < 1%)

  • Which action should you take if the ratio of MISSES to GETS is 2% for the redo allocation latch?

Increase the number of redo copy latches (the percentage of time for which there is latch contention should be less than 1%).

  • Which three columns contain information about WILLING_TO_WAIT requests when the
    V$LATCH view is queried?


  • You have a system with two CPU's and the database is experiencing latch contention. Which initialization parameter can you check to find the number of redo copy latches currently assigned?


The maximum number of redo copy latches is 2 * <number of CPUs>. This value should be used for maximum performance.

Oracle-8 Backup an Recovery

  • Why is it important to get management's approval of your backup and recovery plan?

Management will have to provide resources and support.

  • What impact will your backup strategy have on recoverability?

    It will determine whether complete or incomplete recovery can be performed.

  • Why is it important to frequently review the validity of your backup and recovery strategy?

Business, operational, and technical requirements may change.

  • You are developing a backup and recovery strategy for your company's data. What should be one of your primary considerations?

Database activity level

  • How many redo log group members are created by the default installation of an Oracle database?

The default installation of an Oracle database provides one redo log member per group. To multiplex the redo log files, at least two members per group is required. Group members should be placed on separate disks. Each group should have the same number of members that are the same size.
To add a redo log member, use the ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE MEMBER command.

  • What is the minimum number of redo log groups required for an Oracle database?

The Oracle server writes redo log files in a circular motion. Two redo log groups are required to support this configuration. The default installation creates two redo log groups. To add redo log groups to the database, use the ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE GROUP command.

  • When does the control file confirm that all the files in the database are at the same checkpoint number?

When the database is started

The control file stores the physical structure of the database. When the database is started, the control file is used to locate the datafiles and log files. The checkpoint on each file is verified. If one checkpoint does not match, the database cannot be opened.

  • What happens if you do not set the LARGE_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter?

The large pool is not created.

The large pool is created in the SGA when the LARGE_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter is set. This area is used by RMAN to buffer I/O during backup and restore operations when the BACKUP_DISK_IO_SLAVES or the BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES parameters are set.

  • Which memory structure is used to store a before and after image of any changes made to the data?

Log buffer

All the memory structures are contained within the SGA. The data buffer cache stores blocks read from datafiles. The shared pool stores parsed SQL statements. The large pool is used by RMAN for I/O. The log buffer stores before and after images of changes made to the data.

  • What is the resulting action of a checkpoint?

DBWR writes all dirty buffers in the database buffer cache to disk.

  • What happens when the checkpoint numbers do not match at database start up?

    Oracle will assume a recovery operation is necessary and generate an error. The database will not open. Each time a checkpoint is triggered, all the datafiles, control files, and redo log files are synchronized. Each file is updated with a checkpoint number. If the DBA overwrites the control file with an old copy and attempts to start up the database, it will not open because the checkpoint numbers are inconsistent. The start up will fail and recovery will be needed.

  • Which two Oracle background processes provide the archived log files used in a complete recovery?


  • Which background process performs automatic instance recovery?


SMON recovers abnormally terminated instances, SMON reclaims any temporary segments used by a user process. PMON frees up resources used by a terminated user process. ARCH writes the redo logs to the archived logs. DBWR writes changes in the database buffer cache to disk.

  • Which command can you issue to manually archive the oldest online redo log file group that has not yet been archived?


  • Once the database is changed to ARCHIVELOG mode, what must be done for complete recovery?

The database must be shut down and a full backup performed.

To place the database in ARCHIVELOG mode:

1. Shut down the database.
2. Start the database in MOUNT state.
4. Open the database.
5. Shut down the database.
6. Take a full closed backup.

A new full backup is taken because your previous backup is no longer usable because the database was in NOARCHIVELOG mode. This new backup will be used for recovery and the archived logs will be applied to it.

  • When duplexing your archived redo logs, which initialization parameter would you alter to specify the minimum number of copies that should be successfully created?


The LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST is set to 1 or 2. It specifies the minimum number of archived log destinations to which an online redo log file must be successfully written.The initialization parameters for the archived destinations are:
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST - primary archive log file location
LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST - secondary archive location for duplexing

  • Archiving is being done manually and you need to archive some of the redo log files. Which command would you issue to enable automatic archiving in an open instance?

To enable archiving in an open instance, issue this command:


To enable automatic archiving at the start of an instance, set the LOG_ARCHIVE_START initialization parameter to TRUE.

  • Which command would you use to dynamically duplex your redo log files for a database
    with archiving enabled?

For a database with archiving enabled, you only need to alter the LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST initialization parameter. To dynamically alter an initialization parameter, use the ALTER SYSTEM command.

  • Which command can you issue to manually stop archiving, regardless of the mode
    in which it was started?

To disable archiving, use this command:


To ensure that automatic archiving will not be enabled at the next instance startup, set the LOG_ARCHIVE_START initialization paramter to FALSE.

  • Your database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. At which point will the redo log files
    be available for reuse?

After the checkpoint, after the redo log file is archived

When the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode, the redo logs cannot be overwritten until they are archived. When automatic archiving is enabled, the ARCH process copies the oldest unarchived redo log group at a log switch. A checkpoint occurs at each log switch. For manual archiving, the ARCHIVE command is issued, a log switch and a checkpoint occurs, and the oldest unarchived log group is archived. This group is now available for reuse.

  • What will happen if a datafile belonging to a tablespace becomes corrupt in a database that is in NOARCHIVELOG mode?

The database will not open until the tablespace has been dropped or the entire database has been restored from backup.

  • What should you create if you have backup and recovery scripts you want to store?

Scripts can be created to complete regular DBA tasks. It is recommended that you use scripts to minimize operator error. Scripts can be stored in the operating system, but it is recommended that you store scripts in a recovery catalog because the Oracle Server will maintain them.

  • How often should you resynch the recovery catalog and its target database?


Use the RESYNC CATALOG command in RMAN to update the recovery catalog. You should resynch the catalog once a day with its target database because information about the redo logs and archived log files is not automatically written to the recovery catalog. Frequency really depends on how often archived log files are created.

  • Evaluate this command (Connecting RMAN to target DB using the Controlfile of the target DB)

$ rman target susan/jaguar nocatalog

Why would you issue this command?

To connect the user to Recovery Manager if SUSAN has SYSDBA privileges

To connect a user with SYSDBA privileges to Recovery Manager locally without a recovery catalog, use this command syntax:

$ rman target scott/tiger nocatalog.

ARKUM:zahn> rman80 target sys/manager@DOR1 nocatalog;
Recovery Manager: Release - Production
RMAN-06009: using target database controlfile instead of recovery catalog
RMAN-06005: connected to target database: DOR1

  • Evaluate this set of commands:

$ rman rcvcat rman/rman@RCVCAT
rman> connect target

Why would you issue this command?

To connect to a local recovery catalog with a TNS alias of RCVCAT

To connect locally to RMAN, use this command:

$ rman rcvcat rman/rman@RCVCAT

At the RMAN prompt, connect to the target database with this command: rman> connect target

  • Which is a feature of Recovery Manager?

During a backup operation generated with Recovery Manager, corrupt blocks will be identified and the information will be recorded in the target database control file, alert log, and trace files. To view this information, query V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION and V$COPY_CORRUPTION.

  • Which initialization parameter determines the number of days before RMAN information in the control file can be overwritten?

Because the control file stores backup, recovery, and restore information, the amount of information stored can become rather large if there are frequent backups and a large target database. To limit the amount of information stored, you can alter the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME initialization parameter to specify the number of days that RMAN maintains backup, recovery, and restore information. When using CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME, be sure the recovery catalog is resynched more often than the overwrites to the control file.

  • Why would you use a recovery catalog with Recovery Manager?

A recovery catalog can be used to store and maintain long-term backup information.
A recovery catalog stores backup scripts, but is not required to execute backup scripts. Additional disk space is required for a recovery catalog because it must be stored in a separate database. There are several methods to backup archived logs; a recovery catalog is not required for this task.

  • Which command would you use to allow Recovery Manager to create a temporary
    backup copy of the control file?

rman> set snapshot controlfile name to

  • If you are not using a recovery catalog, which command would you use to
    connect locally to Recovery Manager?

rman nocatalog
rman> connect target sys/manager@dor1

  • Which RMAN component requires a server process on the target database?


A channel is required for each degree of parallelization for backup, recovery, and restore operations. Oracle creates a server process on the target database for each channel allocated.

  • Evaluate this command:


Which event will occur when you issue this command?

Updates to the header block of the datafiles belonging to APPL_DATA will be suspended.

  • When backing up the datafiles for a tablespace in read-only mode, what
    should be the state of the datafiles?

Either online or offline, since no changes will be made to the tablespace during the backup operation.

  • Which command will back up the control file?


  • How would you kill a Recovery Manager job running in batch mode?

<CTRL> + <C> will terminate an RMAN job when RMAN is used interactively. To terminate RMAN when it is running in batch mode, you must kill the RMAN process. If RMAN terminates abnormally, you must delete the incomplete backup files from the operating system.

  • Evaluate this command:

rman> run
2> allocate channel d1 type disk;
3> format = 'tue-%s_%p.bck';
4> backup incremental level = 1 cumulative (database);

Which type of backup will be performed by this command?

Blocks changed since yesterday's backup

Level 0 is a full database backup that can be used as a base for future incremental backups.
Level 1 will backup all the changed blocks since the last monthly backup.
Level 2 will backup all the changed blocks since the last weekly backup.
Level 3 will backup all the changed blocks since the last daily backup.

  • Evaluate this command:

rman> run
2> allocate channel d1 type disk;
3> format = 'tue-%s_%p.bck';
4> backup incremental level = 0 (database);

Which type of backup will be performed by this command?

Full database backup

  • Which view would you query to list the number of corrupt blocks in the datafiles for the USER_01 tablespace?


V$BACKUP_DATAFILE will display the number of corrupt blocks found in each datafile during a backup taken with RMAN.

  • Why would you query V$SESSION_WAIT when a backup is in progress?

When a backup is not progressing, you can query V$SESSION_WAIT to see if any of the backup events have caused the backup to hang.

  • Why would you query V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION?

Only RMAN will find corrupt blocks during a backup. To list the corrupt blocks found during a backup set, query V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION. To list the corrupt blocks found during an image copy, query V$COPY_CORRUPTION.

  • You decide to create a script file to inform Recovery Manager of the recent deletion of the user_data2.dbf datafile. Which commands must exist in this file?

$ rman TARGET \"system/manager@prod\" \
       RCVCAT \"system/manager@prodrec\"

  • A disk drive has been damaged that contains the user_data9.dbf datafile. Which Recovery Manager command will mark this datafile as unavailable?


  • Examine these commands:

$ rman TARGET \"system/manager@ora8prod\" \
> RCVCAT \"system/manager@prodrec\"

After issuing the commands, you create a full backup of the ORA8PROD database. Which command must you execute to close the connection to the sequential I/O device in Recovery Manager after the backup is complete?


  • With Oracle Server Release 7.3, the deferred transaction recovery features allows for faster instance recovery. When are uncommitted transactions rolled back with this feature?

When a request for this data is made by a user

  • You are going to perform a full database recovery in parallel. The database files are spread across 10 disk drives on your system. When you issue the PARALLEL (DEGREE DEFAULT) clause in the RECOVER command, how many recovery processes per datafile will be assigned?


  • Why is it mandatory for database files be synchronized at all times?

The database cannot be opened if the file synchronization information does not match.

  • Examine these recovery catalog details:

username: RCATMAN
password: RCATMAN
connect string: RCVCAT

Which command will connect to this recovery catalog?

$ rman rcvcat rcatman/rcatman@RCVCAT
rman> connect target

  • At approximately 7:00am today, the DEPARTMENT table was accidentally dropped. The database structure has not changed since last Friday and you decide to perform an incomplete database recovery through 6:45am today. Using Recovery Manager, which RUN command clause will perform this recovery?

SET UNTIL TIME = '1998-06-08:06:45:00'

  • You removed the archived log file named arch_232.rdo located in the '/disk2/archive' directory using an operating system utility. You are using a recovery catalog. Which Recovery Manager command should you issue to inform the recovery catalog to no longer reference this file?

CHANGE ARCHIVELOG '/disk2/archive/arch_232.rdo' UNCATALOG;

  • A user informs you that they are receiving this error message:

ORA-00376: file 4 cannot be read at this time
ORA-00110: data file 4: '/disk2/data/user123.dbf'

Disk 1 is corrupt and the user123.dbf file, uniquely identified by 4, must be moved to a different disk, Disk 5. Using the RUN command in Recovery Manager, which must be issued to inform the database of the new location?

SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 4 TO 'disk5/data/user123.dbf';

  • Saturday is the start of your weekly backup strategy and a level 0 backup is performed. For subsequent daily backups throughout the week, you only want to back up those blocks that have changed since the previous day's backup. Which RUN command will you use?

rman> run { allocate channel c1 type disk
            format = '/disk1/backup/tue_%s_%p.bck';
            backup incremental level = 1 (database); }

  • For which reason would you have to consider performing an incomplete recovery?

Redo log files were not mirrored and you lost a redo log file before it was archived.

  • How is PL/SQL used in Recovery Manager?

Communication interface with the server

  • In which state must the target database be in for the recovery catalog to acquire rollback segment information?

The database must be OPEN

  • Which new Oracle8 data dictionary view contains information about archived logs in
    backup sets from the control file?


  • Why would you assign a tag to a backup set?

Provide a useful method to refer to a backup set.

  • For which reason will you use backup sets in Oracle8?

collectively hold all datafiles and control files

  • Evaluate this command:


Why would you issue this command?

Inform Recovery Manager that the query_data12.dbf has been dropped
from the target database.

  • Evaluate this Recovery Manager command:


Why would you issue this command?

Mark the user_data8.dbf datafile as unavailable.

  • Evaluate this Recovery Manager command:


Why would you issue this command?

Determine the backup for USER_DATA7.DBF.

  • Why would you use the CMDFILE command within Recovery Manager?

Specify the name of a file that contains additional input commands.

  • A user informs you that they are unable to query the EMPLOYEE table. The table is stored in a tablespace that contains the 'query_data13.dbf' file that is offline. While investigating, you notice that the drive that contains this file has been damaged. Which command should you issue in Recovery Manager to mark this datafile as unavailable?


  • The files index_data12.bck and arch_423.log have been created and must be added to the recovery catalog. Which set of commands should you execute in Recovery Manager to accomplish this task?

rman> CATALOG DATAFILECOPY "index_data12.bck";
rman> CATALOG ARCHIVELOG "arch_423.log";

  • Evaluate this Recovery Manager script:

$ rman TARGET \"system/manager@prod\" \
RCVCAT \"system/manager@prodrec\"
rman> CHANGE DATAFILECOPY 'finance1.dbf' DELETE;

Inform Recovery Manager of the recent deletion of the finance1.dbf datafile.

  • The INDEX_DATA tablespace has little space and an additional datafile was added to it. Which command should you issue in Recovery Manager?


  • Evaluate this command issued in Recovery Manager:


Why would you issue this command?

A listing of datafiles that have not been backed up within the last four days is required.

  • Evaluate this command:


You are using Recovery Manager to facilitate the backup and restore operations. After executing this command, what must you do to the recovery catalog?

Resynchronize it.

  • The finance2.dbf datafile was manually deleted, instead of using the Recovery Manager DELETE command. Which command should you execute in Recovery Manager?


  • Evaluate these commands issued in Recovery Manager:

rman> CATALOG DATAFILECOPY "user_data6.bck";
rman> CATALOG ARCHIVELOG "arch_344.log";

Register these files in the recovery catalog.

  • After which task(s) will you issue the RESET DATABASE command in Recovery Manager?

point-in-time recovery

  • Evaluate this code:

rman TARGET \"scott/tiger@v80prod\" \
RCVCAT \"scott/tiger@v80prec\" \

Adding which command will create a list of all commands executed during the operation saved to a file called rmnv80prd.log?

MSGLOG \"scott/tiger@rmnv80prd.log\" \

  • Evaluate this Recovery Manager command:


When is the actual file deleted from the operating system?

immediately upon execution of this command

  • Which parameter in the REPORT NEED BACKUP command specifies the minimum number of backups for each datafile to be considered not in need of a backup?


  • You include this command in a script:

rman> CHANGE DATAFILECOPY 'finance4.dbf' DELETE;

Which command must precede this delete operation?


  • Scott added the file user04.dbf to the USER_DATA tablespace in the PROD database. The recovery catalog is called rcatprod. After which task(s) will you issue the RESYNC CATALOG command in Recovery Manager?

Adding a datafile to a tablespace

  • Evaluate this command issued in Recovery Manager:

RESYNC CATALOG FROM BACKUP control file 'prodbu.ctl';

Why would you issue this command?

A datafile has been added to the target database and the current control files are damaged and unusable.

  • Evaluate this command issued in Recovery Manager:


Why would you issue this command?

A listing of datafiles that have not been backed up within the last four days and
do not have at least two backups.

  • You successfully repaired the device that contains the finance2.dbf datafile. Currently, this file is marked as unavailable in Recovery Manager. Which set of commands should you execute to mark this file as available?

$ rman TARGET \"system/manager@prod\" \
RCVCAT \"system/manager@prodrec\"

  • Using Recovery Manager to facilitate your backup and recovery operations, you require a listing of datafiles that have not been backed up within the last six days. Which Recovery Manager command will you issue?


  • Examine these commands:

$ rman TARGET \"system/manager@prod\" \
RCVCAT \"system/manager@prodrec\"

After issuing the commands, you create a full archive log backup. Which script will create this backup for these specifications?

Number of archive log files to backup:    320
Number of backup sets:                       4
Delete input files?                        yes
Channel:                                    t1

      (ALLOCATE CHANNEL t1 NAME "sbt_tape";
      FORMAT "PRODARCH.%s.%p");

  • The files user_data8.bck and arch_112.log have been created and now must be added to the recovery catalog. Which set of commands must you execute in Recovery Manager to accomplish this task?

CATALOG DATAFILECOPY "user_data8.bck";
CATALOG ARCHIVELOG "arch_112.log";

  • Evaluate these commands:

$ rman TARGET \"system/manager@prod\" \
> RCVCAT \"system/manager@prodrec\"

  • Which statement describes the purpose of executing these commands?

Each backup piece must be no larger than 500K.

  • Which object is a single output file in a backup set?

Backup Piece

  • Examine this RMAN command:

rman> run
2> allocate channel d1 type disk;
3> allocate channel d2 type disk;
4> copy #2 files copied in parallel
5> datafile 1 to '/backup/file1.dbf',
6> datafile 2 to '/backup/file2.dbf';

This command creates two channels to write to disk. The COPY command uses the two channels to copy the two datafiles at the same time.

  • What happens when the Oracle Server encounters a fractured block during a backup operation?

Re-reads the block, a fragmented block is a block that is being written to as it is being read by the backup utility. The backup utility will re-read the blocks.

  • Which type of RMAN backup would you use if you need to include all the blocks and check for block corruption?

Image copy

RMAN supports an image copy backup and a backup set. An image copy backup is similar to an operating system backup. It will copy all of the blocks and check for block corruption. A backup set only copies used blocks.

  • Examine this RMAN command:

rman> run {
allocate channel d1 type disk;
copy level 0
datafile 1 to 'backup/file1.dbf',
datafile 2 to 'backup/file2.dbf';

How do you know that this copy will be used in an incremental backup set?

Level 0 was used with the COPY command.

This command creates one channel and writes two datafiles to disk. It performs a level 0 incremental backup that can be used as a base for incremental backups.

  • When you allocate a channel in RMAN, what does the number of channels indicate
    during a backup operation?

The degree of parallelization available during the backup

For each channel allocated by an RMAN RUN command, an Oracle Server process is created. The number of channels allocated determines the maximum degree of parallelization available for the backup, recovery, or restore operations. Channels can be allocated and not used by a RUN command.

  • How does an incremental backup differ from a cumulative incremental backup?

Contains only blocks that have been modified since the last incremental backup

An incremental backup only contains blocks of a control file or the datafiles that have changed since the last incremental backup. A cumulative incremental backup backs up blocks changed since the last cumulative incremental backup and the previously backed up blocks.

  • Examine this RMAN command:

rman> run
2> allocate channel d1 type disk;
3> copy level 0
4> datafile 1 to '/backup/file1.dbf',
5> datafile 2 to '/backup/file2.dbf';

Which task will this command accomplish?

Create an image copy backup that can be used in an incremental backup.

  • The PROD database has 10 datafiles stored on 2 disk drives. You need to perform a full database backup. How many files will be multiplexed per set if the FILESPERSET option is set to 3?


With the RMAN BACKUP command, the FILESPERSET option determines the number of files included in each set. In this example, four backup sets would be created. Three backup sets would be multiplexed by 3. The remaining file would be included in the fourth backup set.

  • If corrupt datafile blocks are detected during a backup set process, where are the addresses of the corrupt blocks recorded?

Control file

When errors are detected in blocks during a backup set process, the errors are written to the control files. To view the errors, query V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION. The corrupt files are still included in the backup set.

  • Why would you query V$BACKUP_REDOLOG?

V$BACKUP_REDOLOG will show the backup sets that include archived logs.

  • When backing up the database using the RMAN utility, in which two modes can the database be?

When taking an offline backup using RMAN, the database should be mounted, but not open. When taking an online backup using RMAN, the database should be open. When using RMAN, tablespaces should not be put in backup mode. If a recovery catalog is being used, it should be open for either type of backup.

  • If you are using RMAN to implement your backup and recovery strategy and the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode, in which two states can the database be when you restore the datafiles?

The database must be in NOMOUNT or MOUNT state to use Recovery Manager to restore files in a database that is not archiving.

  • Which format value would you use in a backup set command to include the backup set number in the name of the backup file?

    Theses are the valid values for the FORMAT option with the RMAN BACKUP command:
    %d - target database name
    %n - padded target database name
    %p - backup piece number
    %s - backup set number
    %t - backup set stamp
    %u - representation of the backup set number and time backup set was created

  • The PROD database has 10 datafiles stored on 2 disk drives. You need to perform a full database backup with 3 files in each backup set. How many channels should you allocate to perform a parallel backup operation?

To perform a parallel backup operation, allocate two channels of type disk to simultaneously read from the two disk drives that store the ten datafiles to be backed up.

  • What is a Recovery Manager backup set?

One or more files stored in the RMAN format

RMAN can be used to support backup sets, image copies, and O/S copies. A backup set is created using the RMAN BACKUP command. There are two types of backup sets. The datafile backup set can be used to backup datafiles and control files. The archived log backup set can be used to backup archived logs.

  • You have implemented an incremental backup strategy for the PROD database. What would happen if you needed to restore the control file for the PROD database?

The benefit of using an incremental backup may be lost.

If the control file of a database that uses incremental backups needs to be restored, the archived logs would have to be applied to the last full backup to recover the control file. The speed of recovery, which is one of the benefits of incremental backups, may be increased.

  • Why would you query V$SESSION_LONGOPS?

SESSION_LONGOPS displays the progress of a backup. If % Complete is not increasing, query V$SESSION_WAIT to see if any of the events have caused the backup to hang.

  • The PMON process encountered an error. Where are the details of this error recorded?

Trace files are created by the Oracle Server to document the errors generated by the background processes. The location of the trace files is specified by the BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST initialization parameter.

  • An invalid checksum is detected on a redo log group member. What happens to archiving when this error is detected?

An attempt is made to archive another redo log member.

If the initialization parameter LOG_BLOCK_CHECKSUM is set to TRUE, each block in a redo log file is given a checksum before a write is performed. A checksum is used to detect block corruption before a block is read. If a corrupt block is detected in a member of a redo log group, the server will attempt to read from another member of the group. If the entire group is invalid, the group cannot be archived.

  • A user shuts down his computer without first disconnecting from the database. Which type of failure has occurred?

User process failure

A user process failure occurs when a user process abnormally terminates. This is usually caused by an abnormal disconnected user session. The PMON background process will automatically recover a user process failure.

  • Why would you specify the BLOCKSIZE parameter when using the DBVERIFY utility?

The block size of the file is greater than 2KB.

  • You have restarted the instance after a media failure. When will the rollback operation be performed?

When the application requests the data

Instance Recovery:

1. Oracle checks for unsynchronized files to determine if recovery is necessary.
2. All the changes recorded in the redo log files are applied to the data blocks.
3. The datafiles contain committed and uncommitted data.
4. If the there is uncommitted data in the datafiles, the rollback operation occurs.
5. After the roll forward and rollback operations, the data is committed.
6. The datafiles are synchronized.

  • Which two tasks are performed in the roll forward process during recovery?

Active redo log files are applied to the data blocks.
The log sequence numbers are updated in the datafiles.

During the roll forward phase of recovery, the redo logs are sequentially applied to the data blocks. After changes are made in the data blocks, the version number of the data blocks is incremented by 1.

  • If the DBWR process terminates and the database shuts down, which file logs the error that caused the process to terminate?

    DBWR trace file

  • Which view would you query to determine which archived logs are needed for database recovery?


  • What should you tell users after a datafile belonging to the SYSTEM tablespace is recovered in a database that is in ARCHIVELOG mode?

Reenter any data that was not committed at the point of failure.

  • To which point should you be able to recover the database from media failure if all archived log files are located in the default destination?

When media failure occurs in a database that is archiving and you have all the archived logs since the last backup, only the lost files need to be restored. The database can be recovered to the present time in the control file.

  • Which RMAN command updates the control file and recovery catalog when restoring a datafile after a media failure?


Take the tablespace for the datafile offline, copy the file to the new location using the SET NEWNAME command, and make the new datafile active by using the SWITCH command. The RECOVER command will apply the redo logs, archived logs, and incremental and cumulative backups to the file. Issue the ALTER TABLESPACE command to bring the tablespace online.

  • Evaluate this command:


Why would you issue this command?

To clear a redo log file that is needed for recovery of an offline datafile

THE ALTER DATABASE CLEAR UNARCHIVED LOGFILE command can be used when there are only two log groups or the corrupt redo log file is a member of the current group. This command will clear or recreate the files.

  • The PROD database is in ARCHIVELOG mode. How would you recover the database if one of the datafiles belonging to the SYSTEM tablespace is corrupt?

Shut down the database, restore the corrupt file, mount the database, and recover the datafile.

  • Evaluate this command:

rman> run
2> allocate channel d1 type disk;
3> restore database;

If the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode, what will this command accomplish?

Recover only the datafiles from the last full backup

To open the database, the datafiles and the control file would need to be restored. This command only restores the datafiles. To restore the control, you would have to include the RESTORE CONTROLFILE command.

  • You are recovering from a disk failure with Recovery Manager and need to restore the dfuser02.dbf file in the USER_02 tablespace. Which command in your RUN command specifies the location to which the file should be restored?

SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE '/disk1/dfuser02.dbf'
to '/disk2/dfuser02.dbf';

  • You issue this command:


Which portion of the database is available for users while recovery is performed?


  • You need to perform an online complete recovery. Which tablespace cannot be included in the recovery operation?


If you need to restore datafiles that are associated with the SYSTEM tablespace, you must restore the datafiles while the database is offline. All other files can be restored while the database is open. The tablespaces associated with the datafiles being restored should be offline.

  • The PROD database is in ARCHIVELOG mode and has two redo log groups. Which command should you issue if group 1 is the current group and it is corrupt?


  • Which view would you query to determine which datafiles need to be recovered?

V$RECOVER_FILE contains the names of the files that need to be recovered and the point that they need recovery from.

  • To recover the PROD database, you need to apply a large number of archived logs. Which command would you issue to automatically apply the archived logs when the recovery process is started?


You can enable automatic recovery by issuing the SET AUTORECOVERY ON command. The redo log files must be in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST initialization parameter. If you do not allow the Oracle Server to perform automatic recovery, you will be prompted for the redo log file names. It is recommended that you use the RECOVER command for media failure.

  • You are recovering from a disk failure with Recovery Manager and need to restore the dfuser02.df file in the USER_02 tablespace while the database is online. Which command should you issue after you allocate a channel and before you restore the datafile using the RUN command?


Before any restore or recovery operation can be done to a tablespace in a database that is online, the tablespace must be taken offline. The SQL option allows you to issue SQL commands within Recovery Manager.

  • Which is an example of complete database recovery?

Recover all transactions to the point of failure

When a complete recovery is performed, committed transactions are not lost. After restoring the files, the redo logs and the archived logs are applied and the database is brought to the point of failure.

  • Why is it not beneficial to use RMAN when performing incomplete recovery?

A full offline backup is required after the recovery operations are complete.

After performing an incomplete recovery operation with RMAN, the database must be opened with the RESETLOGS option. After the database is open, a full offline backup should be taken. This process increases the amount of down time.

  • You have to perform a recovery because unwanted updates were made to the database. Which type of recovery operation will you perform?

Time-based recovery should be performed to restore the database to the state it was prior to the unwanted update.

  • Why would you use TableSpace Point-In-Time Recovery?

TSPITR allows one or more tablespaces to be restored to a point that is different from the rest of the database. The datafiles in the tablespace and a backup copy of the control file are required for the recovery operation. This method is used very sparingly. It will help the DBA recover from user errors when bad data was committed to a large table.

  • Which files are required when you recover a tablespace to a point-in-time?

Datafiles for the tablespace and a backup copy of the control file (see above)

  • Evaluate this command:


When performing an incomplete recovery using Recovery Manager, what will this command accomplish?

Register the current version of the database in the recovery catalog. The RESET DATABASE command in Recovery Manager will update the recovery catalog after the database has been recovered.

  • Which two restrictions will be placed on your export if you use the direct-path mode?

The client-side character set must match the server-side.
The BUFFER parameter will not have any effect on the export.

  • In which order is data imported using the Import utility?

- Tables are created
- Indexes are built
- Data is imported
- Triggers are imported
- Integrity constraints are enabled.

  • A full database export was performed on Friday for the PROD database running in NOARCHIVELOG mode. On Monday afternoon a media failure occurs. Which type of recovery can you perform?


If a database is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode, the database can only be recovered to the point of the last backup regardless of the backup method.

  • Which Export parameter would you use to specify the password of the user whose schema
    you are exporting?


  • How would you recover from a datafile corruption that affects the EMPLOYEE table if the
    index on the table is still available?

Use an index scan to retrieve the data in the corrupt blocks.

To retrieve the data from the table, use this command:

FROM corrupted_table
WHERE key> (lowest value for the key)
AND substr(rowid, 1, 8) = corrupt_block_id order by 1;

  • You are recovering a read-only tablespace that was writable when the last backup was performed. How would you recover this tablespace?

Restore the last backup and recover until the time that the tablespace was made read-only.

When a tablespace becomes read-only, you should take a full backup so that this scenario never occurs. If you should need to recover a tablespace of this type, restore the last backup and apply the redo logs and archived logs to recover the tablespace to the point the tablespace became read-only.

  • How would you open a database in ARCHIVELOG mode with a missing a datafile?

Mount the database, take the tablespace with the missing datafile offline, and open the database.

To recover a lost datafile

- start up the database in MOUNT mode
- take the tablespace with the missing datafile offline
- open the database
- restore the backup datafile and all offline redolog files with OS commands
- recover the datafile (not the database !)
- bring the tablespace online.

The tablespace will be recovered to the current time and the system will resynchronize the files. Committed data will not be lost.

  • How would you change the MAXDATAFILES parameter?

Recreate the control file using the CREATE CONTROLFILE command.

To change the MAXDATAFILES and MAXLOGMEMBERS parameters, you must recreate the control file. These settings are fixed when the control file is created and cannot be dynamically changed.

  • How many processes per disk drive are generally considered sufficient to perform a parallel recovery?

1 or 2

Parallel recovery helps to reduce the Mean-Time-To-Recover. The Oracle Server allows you to utilize multiple threads to recover the database. For example, to issue a recovery process that uses 4 recovery processes and two instances, you would issue this command:
This command will initiate 8 recovery processes. To minimize I/O contention, it is sufficient to have 1 to 2 processes per disk drive.

  • How would you recover from the loss of the recovery catalog if no backup control file exists?

Recreate the entire recovery catalog using the CATALOG command.

To recreate the recovery catalog, use the CATALOG command to recatalog all the necessary files or rebuild the recovery catalog using a backup control file. The RESYNC CATALOG FROM BACKUP CONTROLFILE command will include all the backup pieces and backup sets; the CATALOG command does not support this type of cataloging. Any files added to the recovery catalog that are no longer needed should be removed using the CHANGE command with the UNCATALOG option.

  • How would you recover from the loss of the recovery catalog if the control file was
    backed up three days ago?


  • Evaluate this error message that the Oracle Server generated when you attempted
    to open the database:

    svrmgr> alter database open;
    ORA-00283: Recovery session canceled due to errors
    ORA-01122: database file 1 failed verification check
    ORA-01110: data file 1: '/user_data/db02/u01/sys01.dbf'
    ORA-01207: file is more recent than control file - old control file

    What might have caused this error?

    Backup control file needs to be restored.

    To receive this error, you restored the datafiles and attempted to open the database with the current control file rather than the backup. The files are not synchronized and the database will not open. To recover from this error, restore the backup control file. Using the backup control file, recover the database. Open the database with the RESETLOGS option.

  • The recovery operation you are preparing includes read-only tablespaces. Which command can you issue to get a listing of the procedures needed to recover this database?


When you need to recover the database from the loss of the control file, you recreate the control file with the CREATE CONTROLFILE command. If you are recreating the control file of a database with read-only tablespaces, issue the ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE command to generate a listing of the special procedures required for recovery.

  • Evaluate this command:


Which task will this command accomplish if the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode?

Recover the USER_01 tablespace using the archived redo logs.

To recover a lost datafile

- start up the database in MOUNT mode
- take the tablespace with the missing datafile offline
- open the database
- restore the backup datafile and all offline redolog files with OS commands
- recover the datafile (not the database !)
- bring the tablespace online.

The tablespace will be recovered to the current time and the system will resynchronize the files. Committed data will not be lost.

Oracle-8 New Features for Administrators

  • Evaluate this command:

CREATE PROFILE user_profile

Passwords must be limited to 10 characters in length and cannot be the same as the user's social security number. This additional rule must be enforced with a function. Which clause should you add to this profile to execute this function ?

PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION user_defined_function

CREATE PROFILE user_profile
PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION your_function_that_verifies_conditions;

  • Evaluate this command:

CREATE PROFILE user_profile

This profile allows users to reuse an old password after 100 days. However, each user can now use an old password after the password has been changed 20 times. Which two changes should you make to this profile to enforce this new rule?


  • Evaluate this command:


This profile is assigned to all users of the database to limit session idle to 30 minutes. There is a need, due to a security breach, to limit the number of invalid login attempts. Which clause should you add to limit these attempts to 3?


  • The password of each user account must be changed every 90 days. Users have up to 2 days to change this password after the 90 day period. Invalid login attempts are limited to 3. Which profile should you assign to the end users to enforce these security rules?

CREATE PROFILE user_profile

  • Each user account must update the password every 90 days. When updating the default profile, which clause will you use to enforce this rule?


  • Evaluate this command:

CREATE PROFILE user_profile

Assigning this profile to a user will enforce which two rules?

Each password must be changed after 60 days
A previously used password cannot be used again until 365 days have passed.

  • Evaluate this command:

CREATE PROFILE user_profile

This profile is currently assigned to your end users. You are receiving frequent calls concerning password expirations. Which command would you execute to give users a three day warning after the time limit, but before the password expires?

ALTER PROFILE user_profile

  • Evaluate this command:

CREATE PROFILE user_profile

The account will be locked preventing future connections for one day.

  • Which type of partition index should you use to minimize the number of index probes?

Global Index

  • Examine this ALTER TABLE command:

WITH TABLE orders_apr97;

  • Examine this ALTER TABLE command:

ALTER TABLE orders MODIFY product_id VARCHAR2(300);

What would cause this command to fail?

The table is partitioned on the PRODUCT_ID column.

  • Upper management has decided to enforce limitations on the number of idle connections to the database. Which new Oracle8 network feature addresses this problem?

connection pooling

  • User SMITH must be allowed to purge some auditing information in the SYS schema. Which role must be granted to this user to allow for this operation?


  • Examine this command:

INSERT /*+ PARALLEL (orders97, 6) */ INTO orders97
SELECT /*+ PARALLEL (orders, 8) */ *
FROM orders
WHERE order_date < '01-JAN-98';

What is the degree of parallelism for the whole operation?


  • Which profile forces users to change their Oracle account passwords every 45 days?

CREATE PROFILE user_profile

  • The new parallel DML feature in Oracle uses which type of mapping mechanism?


  • Available disk space is a major concern as you prepare to migrate from Oracle7 to Oracle8. Which option of the Migration Utility can you use to verify that you have sufficient space for this migration?


  • The recovery catalog derives most of its information from the control file of the targeted database. Which type of information can only be derived from an opened target database?

rollback segments

  • The new Oracle8 partitioning feature includes new data dictionary tables. Which new data dictionary view contains partition information?


  • Which SQL function is the only supported function within the VALUES LESS THAN specification of a partitioned table?


  • When would you execute the file, CAT8000.SQL?

After creating the new Oracle8 database

  • When using SQL*Loader, which two options must be set to 'TRUE' to take advantage of table partitioning with direct path parallel loads?


  • Why would you use the CFILE option in the Oracle8 Migration utility?

Use a different control file than the default.

  • Which type of partition index is not supported in parallel update?

Unique global

  • Why would you use the Oracle8 new connection pooling feature?

Your users are notorious for logging onto the database for hours at a time with very
few calls to the database.

  • Evaluate this CREATE TABLE statement:

CREATE TABLE record_sales
(id NUMBER(8),
name VARCHAR2(100),
gross_receipts NUMBER(11,2),
week_no NUMBER(2))

Which partition will contain the row with a null value assigned to the WEEK_NO column?


  • How does table partitioning improve performance when querying a very large table?

by analyzing the WHERE clause and eliminating partitions that do not need to be accessed

  • Evaluate this CREATE INDEX statement:

CREATE INDEX storm_track_indx
ON storm_track (storm_id)

If partition P3 is marked as unusable, what is true about subsequent operations?

You can execute SELECT or DML statements that require the index as long as they do not access the P3 partition.

  • Evaluate these queries:

FROM storm_track
WHERE current_date_time = '01-SEP-98 08:20:00';

FROM storm_track
WHERE storm_id = 133;

The STORM_TRACK table is partitioned on the STORM_ID column with an index on the same column. You create an additional index on the CURRENT_DATE_TIME column. Which type of index will be created on this column?

Global Index

  • A SQL*Loader execution has failed before completing a load to a partitioned table with local and global indexes. Which result can you expect?

Both local and global indexes are marked unusable.

  • Evaluate this CREATE INDEX statement:

    CREATE INDEX storm_track_indx
    ON storm_track (storm_id)
    (PARTITION P1 TABLESPACE user_data1,
    PARTITION P3 TABLESPACE user_data3);

    If partition P3 is marked as unusable, what is true about subsequent operations?

    You can execute SELECT or DML statements that require the index as long as they do not
    access the P3 partition.

  • As a database administrator for a decision support system (DSS), you are planning a partition index strategy. Which type of index should you create for historical tables?


  • Evaluate this CREATE TABLE statement:

CREATE TABLE record_sales
(id NUMBER(8),
name VARCHAR2(100),
gross_receipts NUMBER(11,2),
week_no NUMBER(2))

Because of limited data storage, you are concerned with the potential growth of the partitions. You decide to limit the number of extents that can be allocated to each partition. Which command will limit the number of extents to 25 for the P1 partition?

ALTER TABLE record_sales

  • Which two privileges are required to drop a partition of a table that is owned by another user?


  • When using SQL*Loader, which two options must be set to 'TRUE' to take advantage of table partitioning with direct path parallel loads?


  • Evaluate this command:

ALTER INDEX storm_track_long_indx

If partition P3 is the highest partition in the index, which result can you expect?

Removes a partition and the data in it from a partitioned global index. Dropping a partition of a global index marks the index's next partition as unusable. You cannot drop the highest partition of a global index.

  • Evaluate this ALTER INDEX command:

ALTER INDEX record_sales_indx SPLIT PARTITION p1 AT (5)
PARTITION p9 TABLESPACE index_data45);

For this statement to be successful, which type of index must RECORD_SALES_INDX be?

This must be a global Index, local Indexes are managed with ALTER TABLE ...

  • Evaluate this CREATE TABLE statement:

CREATE TABLE record_sales
(id NUMBER(8),
name VARCHAR2(100),
gross_receipts NUMBER(11,2),
week_no NUMBER(2))

When loading rows into this table using the IMPORT utility, what will the result be if the rows from the import include record sales statistics for week number 8?

The execution of the import will reject these rows and continue successfully.

  • Evaluate this command:


If global indexes are defined on RECORD_SALES and the table is not empty, what is the result of this command?

All global index partitions will be marked as unusable. DROP STORAGE means that space from the deleted rows will be deallocated and made available for use by other schema objects in the tablespace.

  • Evaluate this ALTER TABLE command:

ALTER TABLE record_sales ADD comments LONG;

What would cause this command to fail?

The table is partitioned, partiton tables cannot include LONG's.

  • Which statistic in the V$PQ_SYSSTAT data dictionary view indicates the number of parallel DML statements currently active?

    DML Initiated

    SQL> select * from v$pq_sysstat;

    STATISTIC                          VALUE
    ------------------------------ ---------
    Servers Busy                           0
    Servers Idle                           0
    Servers Highwater                      0
    Server Sessions                        0
    Servers Started                        0
    Servers Shutdown                       0
    Servers Cleaned Up                     0
    Queries Initiated                      0
    DML Initiated                          0
    DFO Trees                              0
    Sessions Active                        0
    Local Msgs Sent                        0
    Distr Msgs Sent                        0
    Local Msgs Recv'd                      0
    Distr Msgs Recv'd                      0

  • Evaluate this code:

    SELECT *
    FROM orders
    WHERE order_filled = 'Y'

    UPDATE /*+ PARALLEL(orders, 6) */ orders
    SET date_shipped = SYSDATE
    WHERE order_filled = 'Y';

    You decide to explicitly lock all orders that have been filled before issuing the UPDATE command. What is true about this transaction?

    SELECT FOR UPDATE is not allowed in the same transaction as parallel DML, 
    therefore the update will fail.

  • You issue these commands:


What is the result?

All slave processes assigned to subsequent DML operations will share the same rollback segment.

  • Evaluate this CREATE TABLE statement:

CREATE TABLE storm_track
(storm_id NUMBER(8),
current_time DATE,
max_wind_speed NUMBER(3),
current_lat NUMBER(5,2),
current_long NUMBER(5,2)

An application is extremely slow due to a large UPDATE command. You decide to use a degree of parallelism of eight instead of two for this command. Which command will you use to change the degree of parallelism for this operation?

UPDATE /*+ PARALLEL (storm_track, 8) */ storm_track
SET current_time = SYSDATE;

  • Evaluate this INSERT command:

INSERT /*+ PARALLEL (storm_track97, 4) */ INTO storm_track97
SELECT /*+ PARALLEL (storm_track, 6) */ *
FROM storm_track
WHERE current_time < '01-JAN-98';

What is the degree of parallelism for the whole operation?


  • Which column has been added to the V$SESSION data dictionary view in Oracle8 to indicate that a user has parallel DML enabled for the session?


  • Evaluate this UPDATE command:

UPDATE /*+ parallel (record_sales,4) */ record_sales
SET gross_receipts = gross_receipts * 1.15;

  • Which command should you issue before executing this statement to take advantage of parallel DML?


  • Evaluate this command:


The last update statement executed taking advantage of parallel DML. However, you want to execute a delete statement without using parallel DML. How will you achieve this?

Execute a commit, then execute the delete statement.

  • Moving a partition of a table results in which change to the ROWID in Oracle8?

The data object number increments.

  • Evaluate this query and its output:

SELECT dbms_rowid.rowid_type(row_id)
FROM rid;


Which type of ROWID is indicated?

0 = Restricted, 1 = Extended

  • In the new Oracle8 extended ROWID, what can the data object number help determine?

Tablespace of the row

  • Evaluate this query and its output:

SELECT dbms_rowid.rowid_object('AAAACrAABAAAARaAAA') "VALUE"


What does the value 171 indicate?

Data object number of the table to which the row belongs

  • How many bytes are used to store an Oracle7 style ROWID in Oracle8?

6 Bytes

  • Some of the tables in your Oracle7 database contain columns that hold the actual ROWID of rows from another table. These columns were created with the ROWID datatype. When migrating to Oracle8, what automatically occurs to these types of columns?

The column width changes.

  • In the new Oracle8 extended ROWID, what does the data object number indicate?

The table or partition

  • One of the many features of an object relational database is the client-side object cache. What does this feature provide?

The ability to fetch complete objects to the client side and provide complete navigational support through programmatic interfaces is gained.

  • When querying or manipulating data stored in a NVARCHAR2 column, what
    should be prefixed to the value?


  • Evaluate this CREATE TABLE statement:

CREATE TABLE storm_track (
  id NUMBER(4),
  name VARCHAR2(30) CONSTRAINT storm_track_name_uk UNIQUE)

Why will this statement fail?

Unique constraints are not allowed on index-only tables.

  • When configured, the Oracle8 new feature large pool uses memory for session memory (UGA), I/O slaves, and which operation?

backup and restore

  • For which task would you grant the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role to SCOTT?

View specific SYS schema objects.

  • Evaluate these CREATE TABLE statements:

CREATE TABLE company (
  name VARCHAR2(30));

CREATE TABLE product (
  company_id NUMBER 
    CONSTRAINT product_company_id_fk REFERENCES   company(id)
  name VARCHAR2(50),
  type VARCHAR2(50));

Products from new companies are frequently added to the system before the company information is recorded. When this occurs, which command should you issue before inserting rows into the PRODUCT table?


Oracle-8 Net8

  • You configured the Advanced Networking Option so that server encryption is required and client encryption is rejected. What will happen if the client attempts to send data to the server?

The connection will fail.

  • The listener in Net8 has been enhanced to support which two contrasting types of configurations?

N-tier, Two-Tier

  • You are troubleshooting your Net8 network and need to enable tracing. To which value should you set TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT to obtain the maximum amount of data to aid in the troubleshooting process?


  • When enabling tracing, to which value should TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT be set to log the order of the packet types sent and received?


  • If your Net8 environment includes no existing Names Servers and you are configuring a region database to store this information, which file would you use to load service names?


  • You received information that some of the data packets associated with large transactions are being disrupted before reaching the server. Which part of your security should you address?

data integrity

  • You configured the Advanced Networking Option so that cryptographic checksumming is available. When data is sent from a client to a server, how will the server verify that the data has not been changed?

by using the same hash calculation used by the client

  • You set up MTS for the PROD database that uses multiple listeners to handle requests. When you connect to the database, which dynamic performance view should you query to verify that you are connected using MTS?


  • Which Net8 Assistant menu option can you select to add a database to the listener configuration?

Database Servers

  • You are configuring your environment for Multiple Protocol Interchange, with the client using TCP/IP and CMAN connecting to the server using SPX/IPX. In which file would you specify the SOURCE_ROUTE parameter?


  • Which CMAN_RULES parameter would you use to specify the SID of a targeted database?


  • When adding a new Names Server to a region with existing Names Servers, which three parameters must be included in the names.ora file?

host name
port number

  • You need to update the listener.ora file before stopping the default listener. Which LSNRCTL command should you use?


  • You need to establish Oracle Names as the method used to resolve the order that connection requests are handled. Which folder should you select in Net8 Assistant to set this preference?


  • ou need to change the order of the methods Net8 uses when trying to resolve a service name. Which folder should you select in Net8 Assistant to make this change?


  • You are altering the setup of MTS and need to enable connection pooling for both incoming and outgoing network connections. Which init.ora parameter should you use to change this attribute?


  • You need to know the location of the log file for the nserver1.acme.com Names Server. Which command can you issue using the NAMESCTL utility to display this information?


  • You need to determine the cause of a failed connection attempt. Which file contains this information?


  • If you configure connection concentration in Connection Manager, which section of the configuration file contains the listening address for Connection Manager?


  • Which underlying TNS layer handles the Break and Reset requests for a connection?

Networking Interface (NI)

  • Which Oracle networking solution eliminates the need for a centralized configuration utility, is used within a multi-platform environment, and supports different protocols?


  • How can the Oracle8 new multiplexing feature improve the operating system limit of
    processes and open sockets?

Allowing additional sessions to access the server above those allowed by the operating system

  • What is contained in the sdns.ora file in Oracle8?

List of Name Servers

  • Distributed stored procedures in Oracle8 can now be accessed on remote servers without hard coding the username and password by using which security feature?

global role

  • How does multiplexing improve the performance of a multi-threaded server?

Allowing multiple logical sessions across a single physical link