Field of Activity

Being a small company, we guarantee a lot of flexibility and we adapt quickly to the fast change in technology in order to offer our customers the most appropriate solution.

Our activities are linux system administration, software engineering, database design, system integration, high-performance transaction processing, client/server and web application development.

Akadia realizes most successfully highstanding IT projects in the domain of information processing.

Akadia plays a key role in the realization of information projects for various important companies in Switzerland. We have been established since 1991, so we look back on many years of experience in database design and software engineering.

Oracle Certified Professional

Competence, specialized know-how and up-to-date know how are the key factors to take over a key player role. To prove this, Akadia has passed the exams for an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP). Longstanding experience and effective preparatory work are the prerequisites to meet the requirements of these high standard exams. The tests are organized and assessed from a neutral company, no teaching aids such as manuals or scripts are allowed.

The History

  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • Introduction of Alma Linux 9.2
  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • Centos 7.8 with Openssl 1.1.1g in Akadia Infrastructure
  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • Installation of Fail2ban Package to avoid DDoS Attacks in Akadia Infrastructure
  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • Introduction of ALL-IP with new Router Centro Business in Akadia Infrastructure
  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • Introduction of SSL/TLS for Mail, Website and Webmail in Akadia
  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • Introduction of VoiP in Akadia Environment
  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • Migration of the whole Akadia IT infrastructure to Centos 7.0 Linux
  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • Setup Postfix with SSL and SASL
  • Setup Courier IMAP with SSL
  • Large Scanning Project
  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • Large Scanning Project
  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • Introduction of PKI Certificate for large Organisation
  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • Linux, Windows Systemadministration
  • OpenLDAP Migration Project
  • Dovecot IMAP Server Migration Project
  • Reporting Project using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
  • Project to to create XML using the .NET API
  • Maintain and expand large .NET / C# Project
  • Complex Migration Project using DTS, Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2000
  • Project to implement Disaster Recovery with Oracle Data Guard
  • Installation and Configuration Oracle 10.2.0 on RedHat Server


  • New Sun Server: Sun Fire V240.
  • Migration of Akadia's IT Infrastructure to Cable Internet Connection.
  • First, large .NET Project (Traffic) successfully in Production.
  • Akadia at the first Open Source Event LOTS (University of Bern).
  • Akadia's IT Infrastructure migration from RedHat to Gentoo Linux.
  • Oracle 10g @ Akadia on Gentoo Linux.


  • moved to new Internet Link.
  • Additional Internet Link (SDSL 512/512) up and running.
  • Many new projects (GVK, Gomobile, REPAKO, etc)
  • Both Watchguard Firewalls upgraded to Version 6.0.
  • Huge SOUG Article "DB Access with Apache Tomcat"
  • Akadias IT-Infrastructure migrated to RedHat Linux 8.0 / Oracle 9.2.
  • Website Migration from DBI / Perl to Apache / Tomcat.
  • Apache 2.0.43 / Tomcat 1.1.10 up and running.
  • New UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) to attach all equipments.
  • Akadia starts it's activities in the area of Microsoft SQL-Server and .NET


  • Akadia Lab: Oracle Servlet Engine OSE
  • The new and very modern IT infrastructure based on a DMZ / HSZ with bastion host, internal and external DNS, Apache Webserver, Webmail, Remote Access is fully working and well documented.
  • 3. Solaris Server Sun Enterprise 250 with Oracle 8i / 9i is setup.
  • Migration from Windows NT to Windows 2000 on Personal Workstations.
  • All employees get modern Flat Screen Displays.
  • Plenaxx, one of our most important customers stops its business activity.
  • New Project for Swisscom Mobile (Expo.02).
  • AAA (Triple A) Project for Swisscom Mobile.
  • New Project for the Swiss Parliament in Bern (Napers 2).
  • SOUG Articles (Oracle Advanced Queueing) wins the Award.
  • Oracle 9i on Windows 2000 is setup.


  • Java / Swing Application to manage ATM ring for Ascom Transmission
  • Akadia moves it's Location from Bern to Thun, a slowly booming city situated in a region with enormous possibilities for leisure activities.
  • Planning and setup of a new IT infrastructure in Thun, Akadia's new Location. The knowledge which Akadia has achieved is in the meantime used by big companies for their own IT infrastructure.
  • Plenaxx, one of Akadia's new customers launches their KMU Portal.
  • Oracle 8i (8.1.7) becomes the main release in many customer projects.
  • 2. Solaris Server Sun Enterprise 250 with Oracle 7 / 8 is setup.
  • Testgenerator for the Swiss Post realized.
  • SICAP Statistics and Reporting 2000 based on Oracle, Apache, JServ.
    Akadia helps developing the SICAP Cashless Vending Machine.
  • SOUG Article Apache / JServ by Christoph Gächter / Martin Zahn.
  • Oracle 7.3.4 to 8.1.7 Migrations.


  • The whole Akadia Team works under great pressure in different Projects for Swisscom Mobile (Natel Easy) often abroad at their customer locations.
  • The Production Database of an important customer crashes - 75 hours non stop Rescue Mission to keep the database running again.
  • Web Database Access with Apache / JServ (Java Servlet) Perl / DBI.
  • SICAP Statistics with Java Servlets and Oracle Application Server.
  • ElanReport, to generate automatically PDF-Reports for the Internet.
  • Akadia shares the office location with Glue Software Engineering in Bern.
  • Oracle 7.3.3 to 7.3.4 Migrations.
  • CDR Aging / Cleanup Project for Swisscom Mobile.
  • SOUG Article Apache / DBI wins the Award.


  • Akadia has the main lead in the Database Development for the SICAP Projects.
  • Juli 1998 -  Foundation of Akadia Ltd !
  • Internet Registration of and
  • Glue Data is five years old, the customers are invited to the office in Bern to celebrate this birthday. A small party is organized.
  • Internationalization of PPB Statistics completed.
  • Database Design for SMB 2.0 for Swisscom Mobile.
  • More and more NT Workstations.


  • Natel Easy launches in Switzerland - Day an Night Job for Glue Data.
  • Oracle 7.3 reaches it's summit - one of the most stable release ever seen.
  • Natel Easy Statistics with Oracle Application Server 2.
  • The Electronic Voting System in the Swiss Parliament is fully operational.
  • 1. Solaris Server Sun Enterprise 170 with Oracle 7 is setup.


  • Design, engineering, implementation und tuning of the Natel Easy Database.
  • Electronic voting system in the Swiss Parliament with C++, PowerBuilder, NT4.
  • Design of the land register (database for natural disaster) with Designer/2000.
  • Tight cooperation with Glue Software Engineering.
  • Movement of the office location from the Ralligweg to the Zieglerstrasse.
  • 1. NT4 Workstation / Server.


  • Large Project IMIBE for the "Bundesamt für Wasserwirtschaft", to manage the subsidized business affairs (Oracle Forms-4 on HP-UX).
  • PPS-interface with two databases (Oracle - AS/400) with Pro*C for Autelca.


  • Reporting Online System for ticketing machines of New Jersey USA with Informix/C for Ascom Autelca Gümligen
  • Handling of information projects with Oracle Forms-4 for the EVED
  • 1. HP-UX Workstation (HP 9000/712).


  • EMail Master Plan and Realization on the basis of SMTP for the BVET / IVI
  • Foundation of the Single Person Company Glue Data, which is tight connected with Glue Software Engieering in Bern.
  • Martin Zahn becomes a specialist for the complex Sendmail Daemon.


  • Martin Zahn joins Glue Software Engineering and works as a freelancer in different Projects.


  • Martin Zahn successfully terminates the Softwareschule Schweiz in Bern.
  • Many Oracle training courses during his work for the Oberzolldirektion.


  • After the successful introduction of an important CAD/CAM project in 1990, Martin Zahn decided to build up his own business.
  • 1. SUNOS Workstation (Hamstation), a lot of money for the start ....