2024 |
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
2023 |
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
- Introduction of Alma Linux 9.2
2022 |
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
2021 |
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
2020 |
- Centos 7.8 with Openssl 1.1.1g in Akadia Infrastructure
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
2019 |
- Installation of Fail2ban Package to avoid DDoS Attacks in Akadia
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
2018 |
- Introduction of ALL-IP with new Router Centro Business in Akadia
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
2017 |
- Introduction of SSL/TLS for Mail, Website and Webmail in Akadia
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
2016 |
- Introduction of VoiP in Akadia Environment
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
2015 |
- Migration of the whole Akadia IT infrastructure to Centos 7.0 Linux
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
2014 |
- Setup Postfix with SSL and SASL
- Setup Courier IMAP with SSL
- Large Scanning Project
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
2013 |
- Large Scanning Project
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
2012 |
- Introduction of PKI Certificate for large Organisation
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
2011 |
- Linux, Windows Systemadministration
2010 |
- OpenLDAP Migration Project
- Dovecot IMAP Server Migration Project
2009 |
2008 |
2007 |
2006 |
- Reporting Project using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
- Project to
to create XML using the .NET API
- Maintain and expand large .NET / C# Project
- Complex Migration Project using DTS, Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server
- Project to implement Disaster Recovery with Oracle Data Guard
- Installation and Configuration Oracle 10.2.0 on RedHat Server
2005 |
2004 |
- New Sun Server: Sun Fire V240.
- Migration of Akadia's IT
Infrastructure to Cable Internet Connection.
- First, large .NET Project (Traffic) successfully
in Production.
- Akadia at the first Open
Source Event LOTS
(University of Bern).
- Akadia's IT Infrastructure
migration from RedHat to
- Oracle 10g @ Akadia on Gentoo
2003 |
2002 |
- www.akadia.com moved to new Internet Link.
- Additional Internet Link (SDSL 512/512) up and
- Many new projects (GVK, Gomobile, REPAKO,
- Both Watchguard Firewalls upgraded to Version
- Huge SOUG Article "DB Access with Apache
- Akadias IT-Infrastructure
migrated to RedHat Linux 8.0 / Oracle 9.2.
- Website Migration from DBI / Perl to Apache /
- Apache 2.0.43 / Tomcat 1.1.10 up and
- New UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) to attach all
- Akadia starts it's
activities in the area of Microsoft SQL-Server and .NET
- Akadia Lab: Oracle Servlet Engine OSE
- The new and very modern IT infrastructure based
on a DMZ / HSZ with bastion host, internal and external DNS, Apache Webserver,
Webmail, Remote Access is fully working and well documented.
- 3. Solaris Server Sun Enterprise 250 with
Oracle 8i / 9i is setup.
- Migration from Windows NT to Windows 2000 on
Personal Workstations.
- All employees get modern Flat Screen
- Plenaxx, one of our most important customers stops its
business activity.
- New Project for Swisscom Mobile (Expo.02).
- AAA (Triple A) Project for Swisscom Mobile.
- New Project for the Swiss Parliament in Bern (Napers
- SOUG Articles (Oracle Advanced Queueing) wins the
- Oracle 9i on Windows 2000 is setup.
- Java / Swing Application to manage ATM ring for Ascom
- Akadia moves it's Location
from Bern to Thun, a slowly booming city situated in a region with
enormous possibilities for leisure activities.
- Planning and setup of a new IT infrastructure in
Thun, Akadia's new Location. The knowledge which
Akadia has achieved is in the meantime used by big
companies for their own IT infrastructure.
- Plenaxx, one of Akadia's
new customers launches their KMU Portal.
- Oracle 8i (8.1.7) becomes the main release in many
customer projects.
- 2. Solaris Server Sun Enterprise 250 with Oracle
7 / 8 is setup.
- Testgenerator for the Swiss Post realized.
- SICAP Statistics and Reporting 2000 based on Oracle,
Apache, JServ.
Akadia helps developing the SICAP Cashless Vending
- SOUG Article Apache / JServ by Christoph Gächter / Martin
- Oracle 7.3.4 to 8.1.7 Migrations.
- The whole Akadia Team works under great pressure in
different Projects for Swisscom Mobile (Natel Easy) often abroad at their
customer locations.
- The Production Database of an important customer crashes
- 75 hours non stop Rescue Mission to keep the database running
- Web Database Access with Apache / JServ (Java Servlet)
Perl / DBI.
- SICAP Statistics with Java Servlets and Oracle
Application Server.
- ElanReport, to generate automatically PDF-Reports for
the Internet.
- Akadia shares the office
location with Glue Software Engineering in Bern.
- Oracle 7.3.3 to 7.3.4 Migrations.
- CDR Aging / Cleanup Project for Swisscom
- SOUG Article Apache / DBI wins the Award.
- Akadia has the main lead in
the Database Development for the SICAP Projects.
- Juli 1998 - Foundation of Akadia Ltd !
- Internet Registration of Akadia.ch and
- Glue Data is five years old, the customers are invited
to the office in Bern to celebrate this birthday. A small party is
- Internationalization of PPB Statistics
- Database Design for SMB 2.0 for Swisscom
- More and more NT Workstations.
- Natel Easy launches in Switzerland - Day an Night Job
for Glue Data.
- Oracle 7.3 reaches it's summit - one of the most stable
release ever seen.
- Natel Easy Statistics with Oracle Application Server
- The Electronic Voting System in the Swiss Parliament is
fully operational.
- 1. Solaris Server Sun Enterprise 170 with Oracle
7 is setup.
- Design, engineering, implementation und tuning of the
Natel Easy Database.
- Electronic voting system in the Swiss Parliament with
C++, PowerBuilder, NT4.
- Design of the land register (database for natural
disaster) with Designer/2000.
- Tight cooperation with Glue Software
- Movement of the office location from the Ralligweg to
the Zieglerstrasse.
- 1. NT4 Workstation / Server.
- Large Project IMIBE for the "Bundesamt für
Wasserwirtschaft", to manage the subsidized business affairs (Oracle Forms-4 on
- PPS-interface with two databases (Oracle - AS/400) with
Pro*C for Autelca.
- Reporting Online System for ticketing machines of New
Jersey USA with Informix/C for Ascom Autelca Gümligen
- Handling of information projects with Oracle Forms-4 for
the EVED
- 1. HP-UX Workstation (HP 9000/712).
- EMail Master Plan and Realization on the basis of
SMTP for the BVET / IVI
- Foundation of the Single Person Company Glue Data, which
is tight connected with Glue Software Engieering in Bern.
- Martin Zahn becomes a specialist for the complex
Sendmail Daemon.
- Martin Zahn joins Glue Software Engineering and works as
a freelancer in different Projects.
- Martin Zahn successfully terminates the Softwareschule
Schweiz in Bern.
- Many Oracle training courses during his work for the
- After the successful introduction of an important
CAD/CAM project in 1990, Martin Zahn decided to build up his own
- 1. SUNOS Workstation (Hamstation), a lot of money
for the start ....