
Akadia Information Technology

René Steiner, Akadia AG, Information Technology, CH-3604 Thun
Phone: +41 33 335 86 22 / Fax: +41 33 335 86 25 /
EMail: rene.steiner@akadia.com





Required Steps
Package Files

Package Creation

Static Packaging Files


Prototype File

Package Test and Removal

Check and Information Commands

Package Shipment


Versions and Patches

Install New Package

Multiple Versions
Remove Older Version
Overwrite Older Version

Overwrite Existing Package

Restore Installation
Patch Installation


Download Demo Examples as tar.gz



This is a practical description showing how to use Sun Solaris Application Packaging. The sample files and the explanations gives all developers the possibility to easy take-off with Application Packaging and to adopt the samples to theirs own needs. The chosen package and file names are specified either by Sun or Akadia.

Every developer has to prepare and maintain its own installation scripts for the initial and further releases. Application changes may require changes in installation scripts and the set of to be installed files. Thus Application Packaging is an ongoing task for every developer.

The explanations reflect the actual level of knowledge we have about Application Packaging and may be improved and extended by everybody during implementation where we gather more experience. Comments are always welcome.


These explanations are based on a sample DEMO package and help to quickly start with Application Packing. It is not a full description and does not cover all required aspects. For details see Sun's Application Packaging Developer's Guide


Application software is delivered in units called packages. A package is a collection of files and directories required for a software product, and is usually designed and built by the application developer after completing the development of the application code. A software product needs to be built into one or more packages so that it can easily be transferred to a distribution medium, be mass produced, and installed by administrators.

Required Steps

Check out and prepare your application run-time files in a directory. Files must already be compiled. Creating a package does not include automated activities at the time of package creation but at the time of package installation. We can only specify a set of files to be packaged. This is an important difference. Packaging deals with installation activities on the target system like copying files, changing permissions or executing specific installation tasks. Of course, you may build shell scripts which do compilation steps for you prior building a package.

Along with your application files you need some packaging files controlling the package creation and installation process. Most of these files are static, can be written once and afterwards used by all your releases and shipments. The only non-static one is called prototype.

After you can make a package using the command: pkgmk

To ship your package to a tape or tar file you may use: pkgtrans

Package Files

The sample package is called SCPdemo. All application files are in a sub-directory called SCPdemo too. Files controlling the packaging process stay on top of our structure:

-rw-r--r--   1 steiner  dba          404 Aug 21 15:20 checkinstall
-rw-r--r--   1 steiner  dba          174 Aug 21 11:01 copyright
-rw-r--r--   1 steiner  dba          591 Aug 21 15:24 i.sql
-rw-r--r--   1 steiner  dba          145 Aug 21 15:26 pkginfo
-rw-r--r--   1 steiner  dba          485 Aug 21 14:09 prototype
-rw-r--r--   1 steiner  dba          564 Aug 21 15:25 r.sql
-rwxr-xr-x   1 steiner  dba          718 Aug 21 15:24 request
drwxr-xr-x   8 steiner  dba          512 Aug 21 10:44 SCPdemo


drwxr-xr-x   2 steiner  dba          512 Aug 21 10:39 bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 steiner  dba          512 Aug 21 10:44 ctl
drwxr-xr-x   2 steiner  dba          512 Aug 21 10:46 doc
drwxr-xr-x   2 steiner  dba          512 Aug 21 10:37 java
drwxr-xr-x   2 steiner  dba          512 Aug 21 14:06 plsql
drwxr-xr-x   2 steiner  dba          512 Aug 21 10:44 sql


-rw-r--r--   1 steiner  dba           24 Aug 10 14:15 sample.ksh


-rw-r--r--   1 steiner  dba          792 Aug 21 10:44 hlr.ctl


-rw-r--r--   1 steiner  dba       225792 Aug 21 10:46 DEMO_APPDES.doc


-rw-r--r--   1 steiner  dba          460 Aug 21 10:37 Sample.class
-rw-r--r--   1 steiner  dba          222 Aug 21 10:37 Sample.java



-rw-r--r--   1 steiner  dba          199 Aug  9 16:46 create.sql
-rw-r--r--   1 steiner  dba          197 Aug 10 13:20 drop.sql

Package Creation

Package installation must be done by super-user root. Usually root does not have the environment set in a way we could use it for our application. For instance during installation we like to connect to a database, but we cannot access it due to missing settings.

There will be cases in which the classes concept cannot be used and a simple installation script is required. Such a installation script can be executed after package installation by any suitable user.

Static Packaging Files

These are the static files required to control the package installation. The names are fix and cannot be changed. See sample files for content.


General information about the package like name, vendor etc:

  • The default installation directory BASEDIR is set, but can be changed during installation.

  • All CLASSES are mentioned. In our sample these are "none" and "sql". We can declare a class for every file type like for instance in our sample "sql". All files with a class assigned have their own installation and removal scripts. We've chosen "sql" as a sample to demonstrate how to use classes.

  • We do not include version information here to avoid modifications for every shipment creation. We will pass these values during package build.


Holds a copyright message displayed during installation.


Asks for information form the administrator installing the package. Different examples are implemented:

  • Shows how to abort the installation.

  • Shows how to modify the default  installation directory BASEDIR.


Checks the environment, no user interaction allowed here. For user interaction use the request script:

  • Shows how to get the probably modified BASEDIR and checks if it is set.


Class file to install SQL files:

  • Copy files and lists their content. Copying is required because all files with a class assigned are not copied automatically into the installation directory.

  • In real applications actions are performed here for all the SQL files, e.g. install them in database. In the sample the content of an SQL file is listed to show how to access it.

  • To install a package we must be root. Due to the missing environment and the risk of system damages we could think about a post-installation script. This script would be executed after package installation as another user.


Class file to remove SQL files:

  • Removes files and can perform any operations on them.

Prototype File

At the begin of the prototype file we list all the static control files we may like to include in the package. Afterwards a list of all application files follow. This is the reason why the prototype file cannot be static. If we change the application the required files may change too.

We can generate the prototype file like this (\n is the newline character):

$ echo "i pkginfo\ni copyright\ni request\ni checkinstall\ni
  i.sql\ni r.sql" > prototype

$ pkgproto ./SCPdemo >> prototype

For our purposes the prototype file is not yet correct. We may like to change the following:

  • Java source files should be removed from the list. Class files are needed for the run-time shipment only.

  • All shell scripts must have executable permissions on the target system.

  • The target user and group (e.g. steiner dba) is not good and must be changed to something else (e.g. root other).

  • All class declarations for SQL files must be changed from "none" to "sql".

$ sed '/.java/d' prototype > prototype.tmp
$ sed '/.ksh/s/0[0-7][0-7][0-7]/0755/' prototype.tmp >
$ sed 's/steiner dba/root other/' prototype > prototype.tmp
$ sed '/.sql/s/none/sql/' prototype.tmp > prototype
$ rm *.tmp

Here a sample how the prototype file can look like:

i pkginfo
i copyright
i request
i checkinstall
i i.sql
i r.sql
d none SCPdemo 0755 root other
d none SCPdemo/bin 0755 root other
f none SCPdemo/bin/sample.ksh 0755 root other
d none SCPdemo/ctl 0755 root other
f none SCPdemo/ctl/hlr.ctl 0644 root other
d none SCPdemo/doc 0755 root other
f none SCPdemo/doc/DEMO_APPDES.doc 0644 root other
d sql SCPdemo/plsql 0755 root other
d sql SCPdemo/sql 0755 root other
f sql SCPdemo/sql/create.sql 0644 root other
f sql SCPdemo/sql/drop.sql 0644 root other


Now we are ready to create the package. As <package directory> pass the absolute path to the static package files. Additionally we pass the version name and a production stamp. In this sample the production stamp includes the date of shipment creation and the tag or label the sources have been frozen in a source management system.

The created package is stored by default in /var/spool/pkg

$ pkgmk -o -b /export/home/scpdemo -v "release 1.0"
  -p "21  Aug 2001, rel-1-0-20010821"

## Building pkgmap from package prototype file.
## Processing pkginfo file.
## Attempting to volumize 11 entries in pkgmap.
part 1 -- 504 blocks, 19 entries
## Packaging one part.
## Validating control scripts.
## Packaging complete.

Package Test and Removal

All the following installation and de-installation operations must be performed as super-user: root.


To test your package you need neither a shipment nor a tar file. You can directly install it on the same machine you created it. The temporary default directory /var/spool/pkg will be used to get the files from.

$ su -
# pkgadd SCPdemo

Processing package instance <SCPdemo> from </var/spool/pkg>

Sample package for AKADIA DEMO installation
(sparc) release 1.0

Copyright (c) 2001 Akadia Ltd All Rights Reserved
This product is protected by copyright and distributed under
licenses restricting copying, distribution and

Starting script "request" with parameter

Press any key to start installation, C to cancel:

Enter installation directory (Press Return key for

## Executing checkinstall script.

Starting script "checkinstall" with parameter

The selected base directory </usr/local> must exist
before installation is attempted.

Do you want this directory created now [y,n,?,q] y

Using </usr/local> as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.

This package contains scripts which will be executed
with super-user permission during the process of
installing this package.

Do you want to continue with the installation of
<SCPdemo> [y,n,?] y

Installing Sample package for AKADIA DEMO installation
as <SCPdemo>

## Installing part 1 of 1.
[ verifying class <none> ]

Starting script "i.sql" for package SCPdemo with 
parameter "ENDOFCLASS"

cp /var/spool/pkg/SCPdemo/reloc/SCPdemo/sql/create.sql
Lists /usr/local/SCPdemo/sql/create.sql...
PROMPT This is a SQL script installing objects in a database
cp /var/spool/pkg/SCPdemo/reloc/SCPdemo/sql/drop.sql
Lists /usr/local/SCPdemo/sql/drop.sql...
PROMPT This is a SQL script dropping objects in a database
[ verifying class <sql> ]

Installation of <SCPdemo> was successful.

Don't forget that you have to test not only the package installation but also the package removal.


You may remove a package like this:

# pkgrm SCPdemo

The following package is currently installed:
SCPdemo  Sample package for AKADIA DEMO installation
(sparc) release 1.0

Do you want to remove this package? y

## Removing installed package instance <SCPdemo>

This package contains scripts which will be executed with
super-user permission during the process of removing this

Do you want to continue with the removal of this
package [y,n,?,q] y

## Verifying package dependencies.
## Processing package information.
## Removing pathnames in class <sql>

Starting script "r.sql" for package SCPdemo with
parameter ""

Lists /usr/local/SCPdemo/sql/drop.sql...
PROMPT   This is a SQL script dropping objects in a database
rm /usr/local/SCPdemo/sql/drop.sql
Lists /usr/local/SCPdemo/sql/create.sql...
PROMPT This is a SQL script installing objects in a database
rm /usr/local/SCPdemo/sql/create.sql
## Removing pathnames in class <none>
## Updating system information.

Removal of <SCPdemo> was successful.

If the removal fails due to incorrect files, correct the files and install the package again. Afterwards you can try to remove it again.

Check and Information Commands

There are a couple of commands that may be used for package verification and to retrieve information from installed packages. Play around with them and see Solaris' man pages for pademoeters and descriptions.

# pkgchk -v SCPdemo


# pkginfo -l SCPdemo

   PKGINST:  SCPdemo
      NAME:  Sample package for AKADIA DEMO installation
  CATEGORY:  application
      ARCH:  sparc
   VERSION:  release 1.0
   BASEDIR:  /usr/local
    VENDOR:  Akadia Ltd
    PSTAMP:  21  Aug 2001, rel-1-0-20010821
  INSTDATE:  Aug 25 2001 13:45
    STATUS:  completely installed
     FILES:     11 installed pathnames
                 6 directories
                 1 executables
               446 blocks used (approx)

# pkginfo -x SCPdemo

SCPdemo Sample package for AKADIA DEMO installation
(sparc) release 1.0

# pkgparam -v SCPdemo

CLASSES='none sql'
VERSION='release 1.0'
PSTAMP='21 Aug 2001, rel-1-0-20010821'
NAME='Sample package for AKADIA DEMO installation'
VENDOR='Akadia Ltd'
INSTDATE='Aug 25 2001 13:45'

Package Shipment


Before creating a tar file you must transfer your package form the temporary default location to a tape or into a shipment directory. We don't need to be super-user to do this. In the shipment directory you my create a tar file. As < shipment directory> pass the absolute path to your directory.

$ pkgtrans -o /var/spool/pkg /export/home/scpdemo SCPdemo

Transferring <SCPdemo> package instance

$ cd /export/home/scpdemo
$ tar -cvf SCPdemo_1_0.tar ./*
$ gzip SCPdemo_1_0.tar


For the following installation we must be again super-user.

After generating the tar file we can use it for installation. In this sample we move it to a temporary directory and unpack it:

# mv SCPdemo_1_0.tar.gz ../tmp
# cd /tmp
# gunzip SCPdemo_1_0.tar.gz
# tar -xvf SCPdemo_1_0.tar

Package installation from the current working directory (/tmp)

# pkgadd -d . SCPdemo

Versions and Patches

Install New Package

Multiple Versions

To install a newer version without removing an older one, chose different package names, e.g. SCPdemo10, SCPdemo11 etc. It is not possible to have more than one version from the same package installed within the same or even different directories at the same time.

Remove Older Version

Remove older package version before installing a new one with the same name. By default the package installer does not allow overwriting an older version. It does only allow to overwrite the same version again to fix damaged installations.

Overwrite Older Version

To install a package with the same name but with a newer version, the configuration file for administration purposes must be appropriate. The default file is /var/sadm/install/admin/default and should be copied prior modification:


The parameter "instance" must be set to "ask":


Pass the new configuration file, e.g. admin while adding the new package:

# cd /export/home/scpdemo
# pkgadd -a admin SCPdemo

Overwrite Existing Package

Restore Installation

The package installer informs if a package with the same name and version is installed again. If the user decides to continue, missing files are added and existing ones are overwritten. This can be used to fix a corrupt installation.

Technically this could be used to patch an installation with modified files too. However, nobody can recognise the installed patch after installation.

Patch Installation

As mentioned before, the package installer informs if a package with the same version is installed again. If the user decides to continue, missing files are added and existing ones are overwritten.

We introduce a variable called PATCH to make the difference visible. With the use of a PATCH variable we can later identify which patch is installed.

$ pkgmk -o -b /export/home/scpdemo -v "release
  1.0" -p "21 Aug 2001, rel-1-0-1-20010821"
  PATCH="patch 1.0.1"

After installation we can get the version and patch:

$ pkgparam -v SCPdemo

CLASSES='none sql'
VERSION='release 1.0'
PSTAMP='21 Aug 2001, rel-1-0-1-20010821'
NAME='Sample package for AKADIA DEMO installation'
VENDOR='Akadia Ltd'
PATCH='patch 1.0.1'
INSTDATE='Aug 25 2001 14:18'


Download the Demo Examples as tar.gz