Check Hardware Requirements
Minimal Memory: 256 MB
Minimal Swap Space: Twice the amount of the RAM
To determine the amount of RAM memory installed on your system,
enter the following command.
$ /usr/sbin/prtconf
To determine the amount of SWAP installed on your system, enter the
following command and multiply the BLOCKS column by 512.
$ swap -l
Use the latest kernel patch from Sun Microsystems (
Operating System Software
Use the latest kernel patch from Sun Microsystems.
- Download the Patch from:
- Read the README File included in the Patch
- Usually the only thing you have to do is:
$ cd <patch cluster directory> $
./install_custer $ cat /var/sadm/install_data/<luster
name>_log $ showrev -p
- Reboot the system
To determine your current operating system information:
$ uname -a
To determine which operating system patches are installed:
$ showrev -p
To determine which operating system packages are installed:
$ pkginfo -i [package_name]
To determine if your X-windows system is working properly on your
local system, but you can redirect the X-windows output to another system.
$ xclock
To determine if you are using the correct system executables:
$ /usr/bin/which make
$ /usr/bin/which ar
$ /usr/bin/which ld
$ /usr/bin/which nm
Each of the four commands above should point to the
/usr/ccs/bin directory. If not, add /usr/ccs/bin to the beginning of
the PATH environment variable in the current shell.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
The JRE shipped with Oracle9i is used by Oracle Java applications
such as the Oracle Universal Installer is the only one supported. You should not
modify this JRE, unless it is done through a patch provided by Oracle Support
Services. The inventory can contain multiple versions of the JRE, each of which can
be used by one or more products or releases. The Installer creates the
oraInventory directory the first time it is run to keep an inventory of
products that it installs on your system as well as other installation information.
The location of oraInventory is defined in
/var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc. Products in an ORACLE_HOME access the JRE
through a symbolic link in $ORACLE_HOME/JRE to the actual location
of a JRE within the inventory. You should not modify the symbolic link.
Check Software Limits
Oracle9i includes native support for files greater than 2 GB. Check
your shell to determine whether it will impose a limit.
To check current soft shell limits, enter the following
$ ulimit -Sa
To check maximum hard limits, enter the following command:
$ ulimit -Ha
The file (blocks) value should be multiplied by 512 to obtain the
maximum file size imposed by the shell. A value of unlimited is the operating system
default and is the maximum value of 1 TB.
Setup the Solaris Kernel
Set to the sum of the PROCESSES parameter for each
Oracle database, adding the largest one twice, then add an additional 10 for each
database. For example, consider a system that has three Oracle instances with the
PROCESSES parameter in their initSID.ora files set to the following
The value of SEMMNS is calculated as follows:
SEMMNS = [(A=100) + (B=100)] + [(C=200) * 2] + [(# of
instances=3) * 10] = 630
Setting parameters too high for the operating system
can prevent the machine from booting up. Refer to Sun Microsystems Sun SPARC Solaris
system administration documentation for parameter limits.
* Kernel Parameters on our SUN Enterprise with 640MB for Oracle 9
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4294967295
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=100
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=10
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=2500
set semsys:seminfo_semopm=100
set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=32767
Create Unix Group «dba»
$ groupadd -g 400 dba
$ groupdel dba
Create Unix User «oracle»
$ useradd -u 400 -c "Oracle Owner" -d /export/home/oracle \
-g "dba" -m -s /bin/ksh oracle
Setup ORACLE environment
($HOME/.profile) as follows
# Setup ORACLE environment
ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/9.2.0; export ORACLE_HOME
TNS_ADMIN=/export/home/oracle/config/9.2.0; export TNS_ADMIN
ORA_NLS33=$ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data; export ORA_NLS33
# Set up the search paths:
export PATH
# CLASSPATH must include the following JRE location(s):
Install from CD-ROM ...
Usually the CD-ROM will be mounted automatically by the Solaris
Volume Manager, if not, do it as follows as user root.
$ su root
$ mkdir /cdrom
$ mount -r -F hsfs /dev/.... /cdrom
exit or CTRL-D
... or Unpacking downloaded
installation files
If you downloaded database installation files from Oracle site
(901solaris_disk1.cpio.gz, 901solaris_disk2.cpio.gz and
901solaris_disk3.cpio.gz) gunzip them somewhere and you'll get three
.cpio files. The best way to download the huge files is to use the tool
GetRight ( )
$ cd <somewhere> $ mkdir Disk1 Disk2
Disk3 $ cd Disk1 $ gunzip 901solaris_disk1.cpio.gz $
cat 901solaris_disk1.cpio | cpio -icd
This will extract all the files for Disk1, repeat steps for Disk2
and Disk3. Now you should have three directories (Disk1, Disk2 and Disk3) containing
installation files.
Check oraInst.loc File
If you used Oracle before on your system,
then you must edit the Oracle Inventory File, usually located in:
Install with Installer in interactive
Install Oracle 9i with Oracle Installer
$ cd /Disk1
$ DISPLAY=<Any X-Window Host>:0.0
$ export DISPLAY
$ ./runInstaller
Answer the questions in the Installer, we use the following install
Inventory Location: /opt/oracle/product/oraInventory
Oracle Universal Installer in: /opt/oracle/product/oui
Java Runtime Environment in: /opt/oracle/product/jre/1.1.8
Edit the Database Startup Script /var/opt/oracle/oratab
Create the Database
Edit and save the CREATE DATABASE File initTYP2.sql in
$ORACLE_HOME/dbs, or create a symbolic-Link from $ORACLE_HOME/dbs to your
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs $ ln -s
/export/home/oracle/config/9.2.0/initTYP2.ora initTYP2.ora $ ls
initTYP2.ora -> /export/home/oracle/config/9.2.0/initTYP2.ora
First start the Instance, just to test your initTYP2.ora file for
correct syntax and system resources.
$ cd /export/home/oracle/config/9.2.0/
$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> startup nomount
SQL> shutdown immediate
Now you can create the database
SQL> @initTYP2.sql
SQL> @shutdown immediate
SQL> startup
Check the Logfile: initTYP2.log
Start Listener
$ lsnrctl start LSNRTYP2
Automatically Start / Stop the
To start the Database automatically on Boot-Time, create or use our
Startup Scripts dbora and lsnrora (included in
ora_config_sol_920.tar.gz), which
must be installed in /etc/init.d. Create symbolic Links from the Startup
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root S99dbora -> ../init.d/dbora*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root S99lsnrora -> ../init.d/lsnrora*
Install Oracle Options (optional)
You may want to install the following Options:
- Oracle JVM
- Orcale XML
- Oracle Spatial
- Oracle Ultra Search
- Oracle OLAP
- Oracle Data Mining
- Example Schemas
Run the following script to enable this
options in the database. Before running this scripts adjust the initSID.ora
paramaters as follows for the build process. After this, you can reset the paramters
to smaller values.
parallel_automatic_tuning = false
shared_pool_size = 200000000
java_pool_size = 100000000
$ ./
Download Scripts for Sun Solaris
These Scripts can be used as Templates. Please note, that some
Parameters like ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID and PATH must be adjusted on your own
Environment. Besides this, you should check the initSID.ora Parameters for
your Database (Size, Archivelog, ...)
Click here for the download (ora_config_sol_920.tar.gz)