... The Microsoft® .NET Framework is
the infrastructure for the overall .NET Platform. The common language
runtime and class libraries (including Microsoft Windows® Forms, ADO.NET, and
ASP.NET) combine to provide services and solutions that can be easily integrated within
and across a variety of systems.
The .NET Framework provides a fully managed, protected, and
feature-rich application execution environment, simplified development and deployment,
and seamless integration with a wide variety of languages.
Well, let's do it ... in this Tip we show how to
connect to an Oracle 9.2.0 database from the .NET Framework using
C#, MDAC and ODBC.
The Microsoft® .NET Framework Software Development Kit (SDK) includes the .NET
Framework, as well as everything you need to write, build, test, and deploy .NET
Framework applications - documentation, samples, and
command-line tools and compilers.
Download and Installation:
-> Software Development Kits
-> Microsoft .NET Framework SDK
You'll get the whole framework and a C# command line
compiler. Run the downloaded setup.exe if you haven't installed yet
Microsoft .NET and follow the installation steps. You will be asked for Server Components
which you don't need. If the installation asks for Microsoft Data Access Components MDAC
you may continue or quit the installation. Anyway, you need to install MDAC 2.7 or higher
prior ODBC data access is going to work.
The Microsoft® Data Access Components (MDAC) are the key technologies that enable
Universal Data Access, Microsoft's strategy for providing access to information across
the enterprise. Data-driven client/server applications deployed over the Web or a local
area network can use these components to integrate information from a variety of sources,
both relational (SQL) and nonrelational. The SDK contains documentation, samples, and
tools designed to help you create data access solutions.
MDAC SDK Components
The MDAC SDK consists of the following components:
- ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) enables client
applications to access and manipulate data from a database server through an OLE DB
provider. Primary benefits are ease of use, high speed, low memory overhead, and a
small disk footprint. ADO supports building client/server and Web-based
- OLE DB a set of COM-based interfaces that expose
data from a variety of sources. It provides applications with uniform access to data
stored in diverse data stores. The interfaces support the amount of database management
system (DBMS) functionality appropriate to the data store, enabling the data store to
share its data.
- ODBC enables applications to access data from a
variety of DBMSs. ODBC permits maximum interoperability so applications can access data
in diverse DBMSs through a single interface. Furthermore, applications are independent
of any DBMS from which they access data. Users can add a driver, which provides an
interface between applications and a specific DBMS.
Download and Installation:
-> Install This SDK
- From the Start menu, click Programs, point to
Microsoft Platform SDK , and then click Platform SDK
- In the Contents pane, expand Data Services, and
then navigate to MDAC SDK.
- In the Contents pane, expand MDAC SDK, and then
navigate to the appropriate SDK component (ADO, ODBC, etc.).
The Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) .NET Data Provider is an add-on
component to the .NET Framework. It provides access to native ODBC drivers the same way
the OLE DB .NET Data Provider provides access to native OLE DB providers. The ODBC .NET
Data Provider is intended to work with all compliant ODBC drivers but only the following
drivers have been tested with the ODBC .NET Data Provider:
Microsoft SQL ODBC Driver
Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle
Microsoft Jet ODBC Driver
Download and Installation:
-> .NET Framework
-> ODBC .NET Data Provider
-> Download
-> Double click on the downloaded file: odbc_net.msi
Use "Administrative Tools" and "Data Sources (ODBC)"
to configure an ODBC data source on your Windows operating system. The menu points and
the name of the configuration program may differ between different Windows versions.
Click on the "Add" button and select the Oracle driver. You may use the default
settings in most of the cases.

If you copy the source code below into a file called
odbctest.cs you may compile it like this. Start the Command Shell (CMD) and type
all in one line:
C:\Users\Zahn\Tmp\odbc> csc /reference:"C:\Program Files\
Microsoft.Net\Odbc.Net\Microsoft.Data.Odbc.dll" odbctest.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.00.9466
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.0.3705
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001. All rights reserved.
The file Microsoft.Data.Odbc.dll is the
so-called data provider we have previously installed. The shown path corresponds to the
default path. If you have this file somewhere else stored adapt the path
The C# compiler can be invoked at the command line by typing the name
of its executable file (csc.exe) on the command line. You may need to adjust your
path if you want csc.exe to be invoked from any subdirectory on your computer.
Connect to DSN=DotNetOdbc;UID=scott;PWD=tiger ...