1. Introduction
2. Database Updates from
3. Oracle9i Updates from
More Information on installing the .Net Framework click here.
Datasets Datasets are a fundamental part of the ADO.NET architecture,
providing both high-performance data access as well as scalability. Datasets store data
in a disconnected cache. The structure of a dataset is similar to that of a
relational database; it exposes a hierarchical object model of tables, rows, and columns.
In addition, it contains constraints and relationships defined for the dataset.
Two Step Process
Updating a data source via a dataset is a two-step process. The
first step is to update the dataset with new information — new records,
changed records, or deleted records.
If you are updating a data source (such as a database), the second
step is to send the changes from the dataset to the original data source. That is,
the process of updating the dataset does not also write the changes through to an
underlying data source; you must explicitly perform this second step.

After changes have been made in a dataset, you can transmit the changes
to a data source. Most commonly, you do this by calling the Update method of a
data adapter. The method loops through each record in a data table, determines what type
of update is required (update, insert, or delete), if any, and then executes the
appropriate command.
How an Update Is Transmitted to the Data Source
As an illustration of how updates are made, suppose your application
uses a dataset containing a single data table. The application fetches two rows from the
database. After the retrieval, the in-memory data table looks like this:
FirstName LastName
Buchanan (Unchanged)
James Wilson
Your application changes "James" to "Jim". As a result of this change,
the value of the DataRow.RowState property for that row changes from Unchanged to
Modified. The value of the RowState property for the other row remains
Unchanged. The data table now looks like this:
FirstName LastName
You application now calls the Update method to transmit the dataset to
the database. The method inspects each row in turn. For the first row, the method
transmits no SQL statement to the database, because that row has not changed since it was
originally fetched from the database.
For the second row, however, the Update method automatically invokes
the proper data command and transmits it to the database. The specific syntax of the SQL
statement depends on the dialect of SQL supported by the underlying data store. But the
following general traits of the transmitted SQL statement are noteworthy:
- The transmitted SQL statement is an UPDATE statement. The OracleDataAdapter or
SqlDataAdapter know to use an UPDATE statement because the value of the RowState
property is Modified.
- The transmitted SQL statement includes a WHERE clause. The information for the
WHERE clause is derived from the original version of the record
(DataRowVersion.Original), in case values required to identify the row have been
- The transmitted SQL statement includes the SET clause, to set the new values of the
modified columns.
If you are building applications using Microsoft® .NET against an
Oracle backend database, you will want to take a close look at the new .NET Framework
Data Provider for Oracle released on MSDN in June 2002. The goal of the provider is to
boost the performance and scalability of .NET applications with Oracle databases by
providing a native .NET interface to Oracle databases that bypasses the need to
use an OLE DB provider.
The .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle, unlike the Microsoft OLE
DB provider for Oracle, also supports new Oracle 9i datatypes, as well as ref
cursors (useful for running Oracle stored procedures that return result sets). This
provider, System.Data.OracleClient, is similar to the .NET Framework Data Provider for
SQL Server, System.Data.SqlClient.
Until recently, the primary mechanism developers used to access Oracle
databases from .NET application was OLE DB, channeling database requests through the
System.Data.OleDb data classes. However, developers writing .NET data-driven applications
against SQL Server have been able to take advantage of the super-fast
System.Data.SqlClient data classes, which provide data access to SQL Server via a SQL
Server provider written in managed .NET code. This provider communicates to SQL Server
via the native SQL Server client libraries, and derives very fast speeds. While
OLE DB provided an adequate data access mechanism for .NET applications to communicate
with Oracle backends, certainly developers have been asking for a faster, more scalable
Oracle data access mechanism to get better performance for the .NET applications. The new
.NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle, recently released on MSDN, provides just
Basically, developers now have a much faster database access mechanism
for ADO.NET in the form of new System.Data.OracleClient framework classes that
work in much the same way as the System.Data.SqlClient classes. In both cases, the
fastest database read mechanism will be ADO.NET Data Readers, as opposed to Data
Sets, although both are fully functional using the new Oracle Managed Provider. The good
news is the new OracleClient classes should provide significant performance improvements
for .NET applications, and migrating code between OLE DB data classes and OracleClient
data classes is not very difficult, although some work is required. However, the
performance boost can be dramatic.
The OLE DB client classes are designed to provide a
database-independent layer for accessing generic databases. While the value of a generic
layer is nearly universal access, it is difficult to deliver database-specific
optimizations in this generic access layer. Also, the OLE DB layer is implemented as a
COM library, so the System.Data.Oledb namespace works through COM interop. To achieve the
significant performance boost described here, the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle
avoids the cost of COM interop, and also employs Oracle-specific optimizations.
The Microsoft® .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle is an
add-on component to the Microsoft .NET Framework that provides access to an Oracle
database using the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) as provided by Oracle Client
software. Oracle 8i Release 3 (8.1.7) Client or later must be installed for this provider
to function.
The Oracle .NET Data Provider is available for download
The following files are installed by Setup:
File name |
Description |
Eula.rtf |
.NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle end-user license
agreement. |
Oracleref.chm |
.NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle documentation. |
Oracleref.chi |
Index file that accompanies Oracleref.chm (.NET Framework Data
Provider for Oracle documentation). |
Readme.txt |
Additional product information that is not contain in Oracleref.chm
(.NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle documentation). |
System.Data.OracleClient.dll |
The .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle. |
Mtxoci8.dll |
DLL that provides distributed transaction support. |
All of these files, except Mtxoci8.dll, are installed in C:\Program
Files\Microsoft.NET\OracleClient.Net by default (assuming that C:\Program Files is your
default Program Files folder location). Mtxoci8.dll is installed in the windows system
directory (for example, C:\Windows\System32 on a Windows 2000 computer on which C: is the
system drive).
As part of Setup, the System.Data.OracleClient namespace is added to the global
assembly cache.
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OracleClient;
public class DataSetTrans
public static void Main(string[] args)
OracleConnection con;
OracleDataAdapter da;
DataSet ds = new
// Setup connection string to access Oracle
string connectionString = "Data Source=ARK2;User ID=scott;
// Instantiate the connection, passing the
// connection string into the constructor
con = new OracleConnection(connectionString);
// Open the connection
// Populate DataSet and close the Database
string sql = "SELECT empno,ename,job FROM emp";
da = new OracleDataAdapter (sql,con);
// Close the connection
// Display the Column Names
foreach (DataColumn dc in ds.Tables[0].Columns) {
Console.Write("{0,15}", dc.ColumnName);
// Display the Data in the DataSet Row by
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) {
// Loop through the Columns for the
current Row
for (int i=0; i<ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count; i++) {
Console.Write("{0,15}", dr[i]);
// Change a value in the DataSet
ds.Tables[0].Rows[8]["ENAME"] = "ZAHN";
// Reconnect to the Database
// Create the CommandBuilder object
OracleCommandBuilder cb = new OracleCommandBuilder(da);
// Display the generated Update
Console.WriteLine("UPDATE: " + cb.GetUpdateCommand().CommandText);
// Update Orcale from the DataSet
Console.WriteLine("Transaction successfully committed
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Transaction failed - Rolled back
This file is called DataSetTransOra.cs, we can compile it from
the command line by typing csc /r:System.Data.OracleClient.dll
DataSetTransOra.cs. The reference to the System.Data.OracleClient.dll is
