Das folgende dynamisch generierte SQL-Script erstellt ein File, welches die Kommandos zum Erstellen der Tablespaces einer bestehenden Datenbank enthält. 1). Dynamisches SQL-Script zum Erstellen der Tablespaces -- -- Script zum Generieren der Tablespace aus bestehender DB -- set echo off heading off termout off feed off pages 0 numwidth 10 linesize 80 spool create_ts.sql select 'set echo off termout off feed off pages 0' || chr(10) || 'spool create_ts.lis' from dual / -- -- 1st: For each tablespace, select the first datafile that was -- created and create this again as first file for this (each) tablespace -- select 'CREATE TABLESPACE ' || f1.tablespace_name || chr(10) || ' DATAFILE ' || '''' || f1.file_name || '''' || ' SIZE ' || f1.bytes || chr(10) || ' DEFAULT STORAGE (INITIAL ' || t1.initial_extent || ' NEXT ' || t1.next_extent || ' PCTINCREASE ' || t1.pct_increase || chr(10) || ' MINEXTENTS ' || t1.min_extents || ' MAXEXTENTS ' || t1.max_extents || ') ' || chr(10) || ' ' || decode (t1.status, 'INVALID', 'OFFLINE', t1.status) || ';' from dba_tablespaces t1, dba_data_files f1 where f1.tablespace_name = t1.tablespace_name and f1.tablespace_name != 'SYSTEM' and f1.file_id = (select min(f2.file_id) from dba_data_files f2 where f2.tablespace_name = f1.tablespace_name) order by f1.file_id / -- -- 2nd: For each tablespace, create additional datafiles if any there. -- select 'ALTER TABLESPACE ' || f1.tablespace_name || chr(10) || ' ADD DATAFILE ' || '''' || f1.file_name || '''' || ' SIZE ' || f1.bytes || ';' from dba_data_files f1 where f1.tablespace_name != 'SYSTEM' and f1.file_id > (select min(f2.file_id) from dba_data_files f2 where f2.tablespace_name = f1.tablespace_name) order by f1.file_id / select 'spool off;' from dual / spool off; 2). Generiertes SQL-Script zum Erstellen der Tablespaces set echo off termout off feed off pages 0 spool create_ts.lis CREATE TABLESPACE RBS DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_rbs_1.dbf' SIZE 1048576000 DEFAULT STORAGE (INITIAL 2097152 NEXT 2097152 PCTINCREASE 50 MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645) ONLINE; CREATE TABLESPACE TEMP DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_temp_1.dbf' SIZE 2097152000 DEFAULT STORAGE (INITIAL 2097152 NEXT 2097152 PCTINCREASE 0 MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645) ONLINE; CREATE TABLESPACE USERS DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_users_1.dbf' SIZE 10485760 DEFAULT STORAGE (INITIAL 102400 NEXT 102400 PCTINCREASE 0 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645) ONLINE; CREATE TABLESPACE TAB DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_tab_1.dbf' SIZE 2097152000 DEFAULT STORAGE (INITIAL 65536 NEXT 65536 PCTINCREASE 0 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645) ONLINE; CREATE TABLESPACE CDR DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_cdr_1.dbf' SIZE 2097152000 DEFAULT STORAGE (INITIAL 5242880 NEXT 5242880 PCTINCREASE 0 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645) ONLINE; CREATE TABLESPACE CRE DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_cre_1.dbf' SIZE 2097152000 DEFAULT STORAGE (INITIAL 5242880 NEXT 5242880 PCTINCREASE 0 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645) ONLINE; CREATE TABLESPACE IDX DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_idx_1.dbf' SIZE 2097152000 DEFAULT STORAGE (INITIAL 204800 NEXT 204800 PCTINCREASE 0 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645) ONLINE; CREATE TABLESPACE REP DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/ppb_rep1.dbf' SIZE 2097152000 DEFAULT STORAGE (INITIAL 2097152 NEXT 2097152 PCTINCREASE 0 MINEXTENTS 2 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645) ONLINE; ALTER TABLESPACE CDR ADD DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_cdr_2.dbf' SIZE 2097152000; ALTER TABLESPACE CDR ADD DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_cdr_3.dbf' SIZE 2097152000; ALTER TABLESPACE CDR ADD DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_cdr_4.dbf' SIZE 2097152000; ALTER TABLESPACE CDR ADD DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_cdr_5.dbf' SIZE 2097152000; ALTER TABLESPACE CDR ADD DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_cdr_6.dbf' SIZE 2097152000; ALTER TABLESPACE CDR ADD DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_cdr_7.dbf' SIZE 2097152000; ALTER TABLESPACE CDR ADD DATAFILE '/data/ppb/db1/PPB_cdr_8.dbf' SIZE 2097152000; spool off; |