Multiuser applications often must allow for multiple users to edit
the same record concurrently. In database-locking parlance, the term optimistic
concurrency means that your application assumes that no one else will be making
changes to the same record that it is currently editing.
Although the Data Adapter Configuration Wizard in
Visual Studio .NET generates code to check for optimistic concurrency violations,
it does not handle the errors itself. Running into an optimistic concurrency violation
simply causes your program to blow up by throwing an exception. You can add a
Try…Catch block to handle the actual exception, but you’ll probably
want to be able to give your users the best overall experience by intelligently handling
the violation itself.
In addition to Try/Catch and exceptions, the ADO.NET data architecture
allows you to add error messages to each row of Data in a DataSet. SqlDataAdapters
attach error messages to Rows if updates or other actions fail. Furthermore, you can
filter for rows in error to present them to the user, or pass them to error handling
Check for Errors before Update
As users work on a set of data contained in a DataSet, you can mark
each change with an error if the change causes some validation failure. You can mark an
entire DataRow with an error message using the RowError property. You can also set
errors on each column of the row with the SetColumnError method.
Before updating a data source with a DataSet, it's recommended that you
first invoke the GetChanges method on the target DataSet. The method results in a DataSet
that contains only the changes made to the original. Before sending the DataSet to the
data source for updating, check the HasErrors property of each table to see if any errors
have been attached to the rows or columns in the rows.
// **** Handle Errors before
protected void btnUpdate_Click (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Use the GetChanges method to create a second
// object that is then used to update a data source.
DataSet dataSetChanged =
// Test to make sure all the changed rows are
without errors
bool okayFlag = true;
if (dataSetChanged.HasErrors)
okayFlag = false;
string msg = "Error in row with customer ID
// Examine each table in
the changed DataSet
foreach (DataTable theTable in
// If any table has errors, find out which rows
// Get the rows with errors
DataRow[] errorRows = theTable.GetErrors();
// iterate through the errors and correct
// (in our case, just identify)
foreach (DataRow theRow in errorRows)
msg = msg + theRow["CustomerID"];
lblMessage.Text = msg;
// If we have no errors
if (okayFlag)
// Update the database
on second dataset
// Inform the
// Commit the changes
{ // If we had errors, reject the
The following example loads a DataSet, sets some errors, and then shows the Errors in
the Rows. You can then get the
errors in a DataTable with the GetErrors() method. You
can also test for errors using HasErrors.
namespace ADO.HandlingRowErrors
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
public class handleerrors
public static void Main()
handleerrors myhandleerrors = new handleerrors();
public void Run()
// Create a new Connection and
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(
SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
"select * from customers", myConnection);
// Create the new instance of the
DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet();
// Load the customer
table from the database
// into a table called Customers in the
// Create a new dataview
instance on the Customers
// table that was just created
DataView myDataView = new
// Sort the view based
on the FirstName column
myDataView.Sort = "CustomerID";
// Manually add
Errors ...
myDataSet.Tables["Customers"].Rows[0].RowError =
"Manually added an Error in Row
"Manually added an Error in Row
// ... and check the
DataTable for these inserted Errors
if (
myDataSet.Tables["Customers"].HasErrors )
// If we
have Errors, get them ...
DataRow[] ErrDataRows =
Console.WriteLine("DataTable {0}
has {1} Error(s)!",
// ...
for each Row in the DataTable
for (int i = 0; i <=
ErrDataRows.Length -1; i++)
Error for row {0} -- Error Msg={1}",
Console.WriteLine("DataTable {0}
Has no errors",
catch(Exception e)