You can set a column in a DataTable to be an auto-incrementing
primary key in order to ensure a unique value for each row in the table. However, you may
have multiple clients for your application, and each of those clients can be working with
a separate instance of the DataTable. In this case, you might end up with duplicate
values between the separate instances of the DataTable. Because all your clients are
working with a single data source, you can resolve this conflict by letting the data
source define the auto-incremented value. To accomplish this you use Identity fields
in Microsoft SQL Server
Using the data source to populate an Identity or Autonumber column for
a new row added to a DataSet creates a unique situation because the DataSet has no
direct connection to the data source. As a result, the DataSet is unaware of any
values generated automatically by the data source. However, with a data source that can
create stored procedures with output parameters, such as Microsoft SQL Server, you
can specify the automatically generated values, such as a new identity value, as an
output parameter and use the DataAdapter to map that value back to the column in the
Example Using Stored Procedure
The following stored procedure and code example show how to map the
auto-incremented identity value from a Microsoft SQL Server table back to its
corresponding column in a row added to a table in a DataSet. The stored procedure is used
to insert a new row into the Categories table of the Northwind database and to return the
identity value returned from SCOPE_IDENTITY() as an output parameter.
Create and test the stored procedure
on SQL Server 2000
@CategoryName nchar(15),
@Identity int OUTPUT
INSERT INTO Categories (CategoryName) VALUES(@CategoryName)
DECLARE @answer int
EXECUTE InsertCategory 'Akadia',@answer OUTPUT
SELECT 'Result = ', @answer
The InsertCategory stored procedure can then be specified as the
source of the DataAdapter.InsertCommand. A parameter is created to receive the
identity output parameter. That parameter has a Direction of
ParameterDirection.Output, and has a SourceColumn specified as the
CategoryID column of the local Categories table in the DataSet. When the
InsertCommand is processed for an added row, the auto-incremented identity value is
returned as this output parameter and is placed in the CategoryID column of the
current row.
The following code example shows how to return the auto-incremented
value as the output parameter and specify it as the source value for the
CategoryID column in the DataSet.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace Akadia.AutoIncrement
public class AutoIncrement : System.Windows.Forms.Form
private System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid
private System.Windows.Forms.Label
private System.Windows.Forms.Button
private System.ComponentModel.Container
components = null;
private DataSet catDS;
private SqlDataAdapter catDA;
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
public AutoIncrement()
// Initialize GUI
// Fetch Categories Table into DataSet
nwindConn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=XEON; " +
"Initial Catalog=Northwind; User id=sa; Password=manager;");
catDA = new
SqlDataAdapter("SELECT CategoryID, "+
"CategoryName FROM Categories ORDER BY CategoryID", nwindConn);
= new SqlCommand("InsertCategory", nwindConn);
catDA.InsertCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDbType.NChar, 15, "CategoryName");
SqlParameter myParm =
"@Identity", SqlDbType.Int, 0, "CategoryID");
myParm.Direction =
catDS = new
// Update Dataset using
the Stored Procedure and fetch
// Autoincrement Value back to the
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender,
System.EventArgs e)
DataRow newRow =
= txtCatName.Text;
static void Main()
Example Using INSERT followed by SELECT
When working with auto-incrementing columns at a data source and auto-incrementing
columns in a DataSet, you create the column in the DataSet with an AutoIncrementStep of
-1 and an AutoIncrementSeed of 0, as well as ensuring that your data source generates
auto-incrementing identity values starting from 1 and
incrementing with a positive step value. As a result, the DataSet generates negative
numbers for auto-incremented values that do not conflict with the positive auto-increment
values generated by the data source.
Next, you'll need to select the autoincrement value
from the server back into the DataSet upon update. SQL Server provides a couple of ways
to do this, including the @@Identity variable that returns the ID of the last row
inserted within your scope. Finally, if you want to continue using the DataSet on the
client, you would want to update the DataSet on the client by mergine the DataSet updated
with new values from the server. In order to do this, you need to make sure that the
DataAdapter does not accept changes when it updates the rows in the DataSet;
otherwise the inserted row that has been updated with the new values will lose the
original primary key values, and when you merge with the original dataset it will be
added as a new row. In order to prevent the DataAdapter from calling
AcceptChanges, you'll need to intercept the OnRowChanged event and tell the
DataAdapter to skip calling AcceptChanges on the current row. It's not all as complicated
as it sounds. The following code example shows the same example as above. In order to
have the returned value applied to the DataSet, it specifies that the source of data to
use to update the row is the first returned record. Finally, an event handler is
registered which intercepts the OnRowChanged event in order to prevent AcceptChanges from
being called.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace Akadia.AutoIncrement
public class AutoIncrement : System.Windows.Forms.Form
private System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid dgShowCat;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label lblUpdate;
private System.Windows.Forms.Button btnUpdate;
private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
private DataSet catDS;
private SqlDataAdapter catDA;
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox txtCatName;
public AutoIncrement()
// Initialize GUI
// Fetch Categories Table into DataSet
SqlConnection nwindConn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=XEON; " +
"Initial Catalog=Northwind; User id=sa; Password=manager;");
catDA = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT CategoryID, "+
"CategoryName FROM Categories ORDER BY CategoryID", nwindConn);
// Change the INSERT command text to include a SELECT
// command as well, and make sure the INSERT command's
// UpdatedRowSource is set to UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord
SqlCommand cmdIn = new SqlCommand(
"INSERT INTO Categories(CategoryName) VALUES (@CategoryName);" +
"SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName " +
" FROM Categories " +
" WHERE (CategoryID = @@IDENTITY)",nwindConn);
catDA.InsertCommand = cmdIn;
// The data in the first returned row is mapped to the
// changed row in the DataSet.
cmdIn.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord;
// Set UpdateRowSource and Register RowUpdatedEventHandler
catDA.RowUpdated += new SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler(myHandler);
DataTable catTable = new DataTable("Categories");
// Fetch Data into Dataset
catDS = new DataSet("CategoriesDS");
catDA.Fill(catDS, "Categories");
// Next, you'll need to select the autoincrement
// value from the server back into the DataSet upon update.
// SQL Server provides a couple of ways to do this, including
// the @@Identity variable that returns the ID of the last row inserted
// within your scope. Finally, if you want to continue using the DataSet
// on the client, you would want to update the DataSet on the client by
// mergine the DataSet updated with new values from the server. In order
// to do this, you need to make sure that the DataAdapter does not accept
// changes when it updates the rows in the DataSet; otherwise the inserted
// row that has been updated with the new values will lose the
// original primary key values, and when you merge with the original
// dataset it will be added as a new row. In order to prevent the
// DataAdapter from calling AcceptChanges, you'll need to intercept
// the OnRowChanged event and tell the DataAdapter to skip calling
// AcceptChanges on the current row.
public static void myHandler(object adapter, SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs e)
// Don't call AcceptChanges
e.Status = UpdateStatus.SkipCurrentRow;
// Update Dataset using the INSERT Command and fetch
// Autoincrement Value back to the Dataset
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// When working with auto-incrementing columns at a data source
// and auto-incrementing columns in a DataSet, you create the column
// in the DataSet with an AutoIncrementStep of -1 and an
// AutoIncrementSeed of 0, as well as ensuring that your data source
// generates auto-incrementing identity values starting from 1 and
// incrementing with a positive step value. As a result, the DataSet
// generates negative numbers for auto-incremented values that do not
// conflict with the positive auto-increment values generated by
// the data source.
catDS.Tables["Categories"].Columns["CategoryID"].AutoIncrementStep = -1;
catDS.Tables["Categories"].Columns["CategoryID"].AutoIncrementSeed = 0;
// Create a new Row and UPDATE it to the database
DataRow newRow = catDS.Tables["Categories"].NewRow();
newRow["CategoryName"] = txtCatName.Text;
catDA.Update(catDS, "Categories");
static void Main()
Application.Run(new AutoIncrement());